Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I don't know why people are making such a big deal out of the stable boy's Force abilities. I always understood there were thousands or even millions of Forcce adepts in the galaxy. The original SW seemed to suggest that. There was nothing about Luke's blood that made him special. Of course, back then, the Force was more like ESP than super powers.

But then in the decades of EU stories there were so many characters that could use or sense the Force, and the PT of course established that it was common, but that it required training to master.

So the fact that there's a stable boy out there that can Force grab a broom doesn't bother me. It was the fact that the movie ended with him whimsically looking up at a shooting star, while the Disney theme subconsciously played in my head against my will. It looked more like a Disney cruise line ad than the ending shot of a SW film. Just a disgusting way to further smother SW with the DISNEY BRAND.

Also disgusting was the fact that they chose a cis-gen white male scum to represent the hope of the galaxy. Isn't it time for a FEMALE PERSON OF COLOR to be the main Force user in a SW movie?? #starwarssowhite

Sounds like you’ve got bigger problems than moofiesz.
...and that is one of the great things about movies. Everyone can come away seeing something different. :)

I can't tell you how many times I read reviews or discussions in here and I come away with "Did we see the same movie"? is not necessarily Finn and Rose that make me woder what happens's the idea we're left with that
even a mere stable boy can hold the galaxie's fate in his hand.

I found that a great note to end on - and yes, I want to know what happens next.

We already knew that. From Luke in the the original Star Wars. And Anakin in the Prequel Trilogy. And Rey in this one.

The idea that this franchise had to change to "stay vital" is ridiculous. It was always just as prominent and popular as it ever was. And retelling the same story with a new character doesn't change this. It just allows Disney to keep making money retelling the same story over and over, making updates along the way to pander to current audience attitudes.
How is the feminism agenda going on in China? I would be interested if the dialogue stays the same

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There is no such thing ******** as "feminist agenda/propaganda" in Asia in general...there might be some slight movement, but only for morons and ugly *******. Women being respected, but there are traditional values they have to follow.. "unlike in US".
There is no such thing ******** as "feminist agenda/propaganda" in Asia in general...there might be some slight movement, but only for morons and ugly *******. Women being respected, but there are traditional values they have to follow.. "unlike in US".

I told him so
How is the feminism agenda going on in China? I would be interested if the dialogue stays the same

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Unfortunately, feminism really isn't much of a conversation beyond Western countries - especially more so-called "militant" forms of feminism you find on Western college campuses. Even in Western countries, it tends to mostly be an urban/educated/wealthier community conversation.

In fact, most left wing issues of the Western world - e.g. multiculturalism, inclusion/representation of minorities, discussions around racial privilege of the majority population - don't really have corresponding movements in places like China, Africa, South east Asia and the Middle East; places which represent the vast majority of the world's population.
Unfortunately, feminism really isn't much of a conversation beyond Western countries - especially more so-called "militant" forms of feminism you find on Western college campuses. Even in Western countries, it tends to mostly be an urban/educated/wealthier community conversation.

In fact, most left wing issues of the Western world - e.g. multiculturalism, inclusion/representation of minorities, discussions around racial privilege of the majority population - don't really have corresponding movements in places like China, Africa, South east Asia and the Middle East; places which represent the vast majority of the world's population.

We are the only ones that get cucked
Hopefully China, Africa, South east Asia and the Middle East invent an anti cuck neutron bomb and they drop it on the USA before its too late.
Jye stepping on my testicles with 6" stiletto heels >TLJ
The French Revolution started when King Louie was told his people were starving...he said "Let them watch TLJ"...
Merry Christmas to all fans and freaks.
I found a way to save Episode IX, opening 5 minutes Finn wakes up revealing Episode VIII to all be a dream.

Actually, could Finn have had the entirety of TFA and TLJ take place in his head while descending to the surface of Tatooine II? That would be cleansing wind.

I'm pleasantly surprised the mods have let the political discussion unfurl. It is a sign of the times that the often tendentious political readings of this film overshadow discussion of the fact that both TFA and TLJ have been simply poorly conceived films that fail at character development, world-building, and of course, a compelling narrative.

Rogue One had the same mix of female lead and very consciously "diverse" crew, but seems to have far better received...because it is a far, far, far better film than either ST offering. Jyn is pretty much a cliché rebel-without-a-cause character, but a time-tested cliché is still much more engaging than Rey. Chirrut is a truly inspired character, the likes of which the ST is completely lacking. The ST have no great 'personality' characters like Krennic and Saw Gerrera either, although the later was borrowed from EU material.
The French Revolution started when King Louie was told his people were starving...he said "Let them watch TLJ"...

That last one was good lol

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