Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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John Campea banned me from his live chat :lol

He was getting ready to do a show about Hamill's backpedaling tweet to support his opinion that he loved TLJ, he didn't like what I had to say (I was very polite). Such a shill.

Karma though, he had massive audio issues during the show.
i was a subscriber to him , until he said F anyone that doesn't like TLJ or doesn't want to see diversity in it just unsubscribe to my channel , so i followed his request.

If you don't like Fat ugly rose then F YOU Pal.... my wife is asian

.... ok....

John Campea banned me from his live chat :lol

He was getting ready to do a show about Hamill's backpedaling tweet to support his opinion that he loved TLJ, he didn't like what I had to say (I was very polite). Such a shill.

Karma though, he had massive audio issues during the show.
i was a subscriber to him , until he said F anyone that doesn't like TLJ or doesn't want to see diversity in it just unsubscribe to my channel , so i followed his request.

If you don't like Fat ugly rose then F YOU Pal.... my wife is asian

.... ok....

Yeah he got a bit carried away with that one, his heart was in the right place though. He was specifically targeting racist comments, and I'm totally with him on that.
There is no place for racism in Star Wars, a good character is a good character. The issue with Rose was the portrayal (that actress isn't great) and how useless the story arc was.
Sure she isn't particularly nice to look at but it's absurd to only want good looking actors in a SW movie.

He is a douche though, proved it once again by banning me for just disagreeing with him and calling him out on defending Disney purely to keep attending premieres.
i was a subscriber to him , until he said F anyone that doesn't like TLJ or doesn't want to see diversity in it just unsubscribe to my channel , so i followed his request.

If you don't like Fat ugly rose then F YOU Pal.... my wife is asian

.... ok....

Man, does he not see the irony of calling people racist while tying the merit of all people of a race (even fictional ones) together rather than seeing them as individuals? Am I not allowed to hate Kim Jong Un either?
i was a subscriber to him , until he said F anyone that doesn't like TLJ or doesn't want to see diversity in it just unsubscribe to my channel , so i followed his request.

If you don't like Fat ugly rose then F YOU Pal.... my wife is asian

.... ok....

That’s your problem with the character?
Man, does he not see the irony of calling people racist while tying the merit of all people of a race (even fictional ones) together rather than seeing them as individuals? Am I not allowed to hate Kim Jong Un either?
Only whites and Christians apply... it seems nowadays
That’s your problem with the character?

no, that is what John Campea said

i do not care that she is fat and ugly , i am more bothered that she a mechanic that works in the engine room , and not a male in sight

did you notice how clean her hands were, very very very strange for a mechanic that she said never leaves the engine room
Yeah, she was a poorly written character. The casino scene is still the worst thread of the movie and was pointless to the overall plot in the end. I’m going to try and make an edit of the movie when it’s available on HD that completely eliminates all of it. For me there’s probably a decent 1:40 minute movie in there if a lot of the filler and silly jokes can be carved out.
Please edit out Luke’s death.

If they released Last Jedi on home video, with a 20 second edit where Luke just gazes at the suns and does NOT die, and then edit out the “Luke’s gone” dialogue, there MIGHT be a chance to make him great in episode 9.

I really believe that would be a HUGE, 10-20 second editing move to stir up all the fans again and get them speculating and anticipating 9. That little edit could bring them hundreds of millions of dollars.
But Ep IX? What possible reason would any fan have to want to see it other than the now-tired, generic fan response "it's another SW film!"... which happens every six months now anyway, and the media maligns and mocks fans who don't LOVE the IPT - Identity Politics Trilogy. As they keep saying - it's a GREAT time to be a SW fan... right?:)

Oh there are plenty of self-identified pop culture "geeks" who will gladly buy Chuck Wendig's SJW books and toss the Thrawn trilogy in the trash, out of some sort of deep-seated Stockholm syndrome.
Please edit out Luke’s death.

If they released Last Jedi on home video, with a 20 second edit where Luke just gazes at the suns and does NOT die, and then edit out the “Luke’s gone” dialogue, there MIGHT be a chance to make him great in episode 9.

I really believe that would be a HUGE, 10-20 second editing move to stir up all the fans again and get them speculating and anticipating 9. That little edit could bring them hundreds of millions of dollars.

That's probably the version Mark Hamill saw before the premiere.

Looks like Mark's thousand yard stare from that premiere panel video was the moment when he found out about it.
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