Because the love of SW was false. People were also conditioned that Star Wars is cool. Specifically the OT and to hate the PT because other people hated it and made it their purpose to make sure everyone hates it. Lucas was just making it up as he went along. Then the Nu-SW comes along that was supposed to be what the PT wasn't because it has Luke, Leia and Han and real sets. It turned out that Disney was also making it up as they went along and it was bad as well. This confused all millennials as well as the OT fans. Causing a system shutdown.
Well, I didn't hate the PT because others hated it. I hated it because I couldn't tell what the hell was going on half the time, the acting was often laughable and the dialog boring (or laughable) - and the fact that it looked like the whole thing was taking place inside a Pixar movie. There wasn't a living human or genuine emotion in those six often-incomprehensible hours. Storywise, it was like being trapped inside a "Hero With A Thousand Faces" Screenwriter's CD-ROM circa 1995.
I despise the ST for different reasons. It makes sense and has the Star Wars excitement/visuals you expect, but every character - major and minor - is either dull, pointless or a carbon copy and there is nothing at its core - no cultural relevance/resonance (other than the identity politics push,) no romance, no actual mythic journey, no exploration of good and evil. An arrested-development fanboy as master villain - that the movie itself constantly mocks? (Okay, that's sadly relevant.) Rey is protagonist because she's female and... that's about it. Oh, and is superficially like Luke.
And then TLJ put whatever had actually worked about TFA in a blender, and subverted and/or ridiculed whatever OT ethos that TFA had managed to preserve. Yes, it's a system shutdown all right.
TLJ shut down any residual interest I had in the mainline Disney story. It set up absolutely nothing that anyone would be excited to see in Ep IX. I'll still be there for the standalones - RO may have been incestuous in its closeness to ANH, but that's become a strength in my book now. Bring on the "week before ESB" hard prequel.
But Ep IX? What possible reason would any fan have to want to see it other than the now-tired, generic fan response "it's another SW film!"... which happens every six months now anyway, and the media maligns and mocks fans who don't LOVE the IPT - Identity Politics Trilogy. As they keep saying - it's a GREAT time to be a SW fan... right?