Kylo now worst main villain in SW history...crap
Kylo now worst main villain in SW history...crap
This is true. If they can just have ships using autopilot or droids to avoid human casualties, the rebels should be able to win the war in like....a few minutes.![]()
Main villain...she is a zero disney shoehorned white supremacist chick sidekick defeated by the good black guyWhat about Phasma?
And then just ask the replicators to build them replacements for all the ships they loose? Better get some Earl Grey tea to sit back and enjoy the victory as well....
Agreed...Kylo coulda been somebody, he coulda been a contender, but noooo....FU Disney,Kennedy,Johnson,TLJSeriously though, besides Luke's portrayal and death, this is the biggest bummer for me.
I kinda liked Kylo in TFA but I liked him as a dark side apprentice. Thinking "alright he is far from a perfect villain for now, but under Snoke he is going to develop, we will see his training in VIII, delve deep into the character's psyche, truly see him use his father's murder to embrace the dark side".
But Rian Johnson said: no, **** that. Starts the movie with Kylo Ren throwing a fit and not killing his mom. Alright.
So the "New Republic" has no money? The Resistance is backed by the Republic....![]()
Main villain...she is a zero disney shoehorned white supremacist chick sidekick defeated by the good black guy
What an Interesting Collection lol
"Maybe Kylo has more than one helmet" - Khev
Agreed...Kylo coulda been somebody, he coulda been a contender, but noooo....FU Disney,Kennedy,Johnson,TLJ
Me too...I'm rooting for the new order to win no matter how stupid they are...I can't stand the new Disney rebel scum
To me, Rey is the main villain and the end of SW.
Luke knew the truth. He saw what was coming. He tried to get away, shut himself off from the "Force" and just live his last days in peace.
Then that ***** showed up...
He was trapped. Sacrifice was the only option. He had to do it to save face.
This is true. If they can just have ships using autopilot or droids to avoid human casualties, the rebels should be able to win the war in like....a few minutes.![]()
Yeah I know that would be the first thing that comes to mind (thought about it as well), but I did side by side comparisons, it's damaged in the exact same spots. It's not just the same design, it's the same helmet. 100%.
So even though at *no point* in any film is it established that droids can be trusted battle pilots you're saying that all the good guys had to do to win the war in minutes would be to take some protocol droids, hand over their *three* capital ships (or five Calamari cruisers from the OT) and....crash them? Genius military tactics!![]()