Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Gross. Look at all those thin, feminine Asian women with long hair, dressed like women in cute/sexy outfits, wearing make-up.


If only there were more movies with dumpy Asian broads wearing dirty coveralls like a sack of lumpy potatoes, with big moon faces and stupid hair.
Hopefully we never see a Hot Toys of her.

My biggest collector fear right now is that Sideshow announces her as the next Premium Format.
We barely get any Star Wars statues as it is, so if they waste time and resources on that character... :gah:
Gross. Look at all those thin, feminine Asian women with long hair, dressed like women in cute/sexy outfits, wearing make-up.


If only there were more movies with dumpy Asian broads wearing dirty coveralls like a sack of lumpy potatoes, with big moon faces and stupid hair.

Umm you do realise that Rose is a CGI character modelled after Shrek, right? Your comment was filled with typical sexist and vulgar attacks against big round green woman with moon faces. You should feel ashamed! :nono

Donate $1000 to Moon Faces No More immediately for the offense and derogatory comments made. And another $500 to Amy Schumer's All Men Are Pigs Oink Oink feminist group. :lecture
Right now I'm listening to Kristian Harloff (Collider Jedi Council on YT), go on and on about how he thinks Kathleen Kennedy doesn't 'care'.
More specifically when it comes to connecting the canon from various types of Star Wars media, respecting the characters, etc...

He gave TLJ a 4 out of 5. So yeah, it's not just us who hated the movie who are getting that vibe.
Maybe if Rose looked like 1 of those 3 Asian hotties it would have been more successful!! :lol

Ironically, yes, it would have probably made people over there want to see it more. They are not as " woke" and "progressive" as us... they are still very judgmental in terms of beauty. Thats why plastic surgery is much more rampant. Thhey could have just doll up rose the way they did holdo and it would have been enough. But they made rose look like a guy.
What the. F--- is kennedy's problem? She lets them humiliate and kill phasma and lets them make rose look like a guy..... wtf seriously...

View attachment 385503

Maybe if Rose looked like 1 of those 3 Asian hotties it would have been more successful!! :lol

Cue crows "waifus" commentary... waifus in that poster......

LMAO! I deliberately posted exactly what one of you guys (I think it was Junkion) posted yesterday. To paraphrase it said something about “butt hurt fanboys”. I thought it was tasteless but I’m happy to play in the sandbox and don’t mind getting dirty :)

Where were you Kiev and Jye to call out his post? More likely you just direct your ire at folks who disagree with you... 100% guarantee your replies will be “I didn’t see it”. Sure sure LOL!!

I didn’t see it....

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At least we can all agree it’s better than Batman and Robin.....

Yup I was going to post this tonight...then read someone’s post here comparing it to that film. I think this might be the most over dramatic statement ever.

That film has zero redeeming value.....even the production is terrible.

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Just talking to a friend who went back home for the holidays hoping to see TLJ... but no one would go with him. Everyone he asked said "nah, I heard it was bad."

I know your experience is anecdotal, but no matter how big TLJ is at the box office there'll always be the question of how much bigger it could have been if more than half the audience actually liked it.

I didn't bother watching this, but did it basically say all corporate types are evil, except Disney-LFL?

Far from being an embarrassment, travesty, etc. That just isn't the case and anyone who wants to claim otherwise is certainly free to but there isn't this huge tidal wave of credible support that agrees with you.

Aside from that 50% RT rating - unless you subscribe to the alt-Right bot conspiracy theory!

If you're going to wax philosophical, at least learn to spell "divisive"!

Once more for ol' time's sake:

At least we can all agree it’s better than Batman and Robin.....

Yup I was going to post this tonight...then read someone’s post here comparing it to that film. I think this might be the most over dramatic statement ever.

That film has zero redeeming value.....even the production is terrible.

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This movie is the equal to the matrix reloaded. It even ends the same way.

The casino scene is bit by bit the same as the merovingian scene.
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