Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG by Bioware

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There is a handful of Korean MMORPGs (they sure love their MMOs) that are free, as well as games like Ragnorok Online and Guild Wars.

SW: TOR will more than likely be subscription based, unless they implement a plan that nickle & dimes us for every item/weapon we want to use.
SW: TOR will more than likely be subscription based, unless they implement a plan that nickle & dimes us for every item/weapon we want to use.

If I remember correctly, they stated early on that the game may follow a free to play price scheme (I mean plan) that will nickel and dime you for everything. But this is ooooooooolllllddddd news.
There is a handful of Korean MMORPGs (they sure love their MMOs) that are free, as well as games like Ragnorok Online and Guild Wars.

SW: TOR will more than likely be subscription based, unless they implement a plan that nickle & dimes us for every item/weapon we want to use.

I would rather have them nickel and dime us and it be free to play then charge us monthly for the same experience. I figure if I spend 20 bucks on badass equipment over the course of a few months then i am better off than spending 15 bucks a month and not have the time to invest to get that same badass equipment.
I'm making a note here...

Anyone who has cable with HD on demand needs to check their channel for G4TV on demand. They have this trailer in HD and it is just AWESOME to watch on the big screen in full 1080i.

...huge success...
The Smuggler Class was unveiled on SW:TOR's website, details and videos here:

just a note on the nickle and diming " micro world sim" system.

You won't spend 20$ over several months. that's NOT how they work. Micro world sims end up costing you much much MORE than a monthly subscription. Speaking from expierence on this one.
I'd much rather pay a monthly fee of $15 to play than to have to pay for each and every thing in the game. I play World of Warcraft and if they nickel and dimed everything in there, it would cost way more than the $15 a month I pay.
So what are the kind of things, besides material possessions, that you get charged for in this payment model?
So what are the kind of things, besides material possessions, that you get charged for in this payment model?

Nothing don't worry about it. It'll be 15$ a month for the game,(you don't charged FOR ANYTHING but the monthly subscription) not like you gotta pay to get the next big gun or armor etc.

Cool vid at the end they say release date coming soon.

My first and main character will be a sith woman.
Second will be a jedi alien.
And then since the rest of the classes have not had an announcement yet. i'm not sure. I would love a melee class like Tera Kasi from SWG, but smuggler looks good to.

This is gonna be so huge it's hard to fathom. It's gonna be like SWG but 20x better since it's Bioware and not Sony.

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I think he was asking what kind of things would be charged if they nickel and dimed the players. With a monthly subscription they don't charge any thing but the monthly fee. Nickel and dime is probably every thing from guns to ships, talents, powers, pets, houses, vehicles... you name it. $1 for each thing may not seem like much but just to equip your character with level specific items, heck you are paying more than the $15 a month fee if they did it that way.

Chest armor = $1
Head armor = $1
Leg armor = $1
Foot armor = $1
Hand armor = $1
Weapon = $2-$3

Heck that is about $8 right there. Not to mention what ever else they'd charge for. You update items and things as you progress through the game so what you pay for at level 1 will be useless to you at level 10 because you have outgrown it in level and it won't protect you anymore so you have to spend another $8 for more items and you've only been playing for less than 5 days. Think about the amount you'd spend after playing and advancing through the game in less than a month... Kinda sucks.

Monthly fee is the way to go. That is why World of Warcraft works so well and has so many customers.
Yeah I agree. LucasArts will be in control of how pricing will turn out for SW: TOR, and I hope they simply follow the SW: Galaxies pricing model...but cheaper.
Ods are they won't go the worldsim system. but there have been some rumblings in game design circles a few years back ( when bioware was first startingt work on this, before they announced what it was) that they were considering it.

the way those systems generaly work is you exchange real world money for in-game currency. I personaly REALLY dislike that system, but from a corporate vewpoint, they make the company ALOt more money, So it's all up in the air.
I'm a little bit worried with how this "story driven MMO" is going to pan out. How are they planning on making the game on an even keel? I mean say you want some help on a quest and you ask your buddy but he's like... sorry dude I killed that guy 3 days ago. An MMO is supposed to be exactly that Massively Multiplayer.... they should have gone in one direction, MMO or RPG. I think they is going to be a let down for the people who are looking for a straight up MMO. Don't get me wrong I'm siked to play this game but I'm holding my breath.