It's for a smooth launch. So as not to have server crashes and such.
Viper let me know what you're gonna play, and is it gonna be you main in game or you gonna play something different to not ruin story. Let me know your name as well.
For those wondering, this game is KOTOR with MMO elements mixed in IMO. (this will probably make those that just wanted KOTOR3 happy) This is KOTOR 345 all in one.
"best single player game i've ever played online"
lol love that quote.
Never played WOW so can't compare. Played SWG, LOTRO, COH.
Have to wait for it to download, it is a very large download so it's taking a while. I'm very excited. The main thing I'm looking forward to is that the quests actually have stories to go along with them, all other MMO's I've played just pop up a wall of text and then you find you're supposed to kill 10 of some kind of enemy and it's just boring, that's why I stopped playing LOTRO