Hey guys, wanted to share this awesome post I saw on the forums:
Lets make this one of the first new TOR trends!
Best new additions, imo, to the TOR gamer lexicon from the awesome community so far:
Jarjar - new term for newb or annoying PC, especially a beggar
Akbar'd - lured into someone's trap
Lando'd - abandoned in flashpoint/raid/warzone
- I really like this one, can see it easily in play
Nerf Herders - Credit Farmers/Currency Spammers
Ewok - A name to call any class that is OP. (since they can kill stormtroopers with rocks and sticks)
Kessel Run - To power level/forced march through quest content at a rapid pace
Wampa'd - To be gank'd in world/open PVP area (you didn't see it coming and you got owned)
Greedo'd - To kill someone who tried to gank you in world/open PVP area (They got the drop you on, but you still won anyways)
Bantha Poodoo! - Humorous expletive to replace cussing/swearing in English.
Hutt - name to throw at someone who has hacked into someones account. (Since Hutt's trap you, take you for all your worth, and put on in carbonite (on ice/deleted)
New Additions from the TOR Community-
Pull a Tarkin- to severely underestimate your opponent and as a result you get your butt handed to you. ex. "Man, I didn't think that Consular would do so much damage to me with thrown debris... I sure pulled a Tarkin on that one"
3P0 - Chat Spammer / Chat while everyone else is fighting. -Yo, 3P0, how about putting some DoTs on the mob in between cyberz?
Beggar's Canyon - Anything relating to the space minigame.
-I'll be there in a minute, just need to get out of Beggar's Canyon.
E-11 - Fail to do even a reasonable amount of DPS.
-22DPS?! Are you kidding me? You have an E-11 equipped or something?
R2 - Miraculously recover from a near wipe.
Death Star - Someone who talks a big game, but always gets killed in PvP.
Vader - Hot mic in voice chat. Especially mouth breathers. - I really love this one too!
Rancor - Obvious troll is trolling....
Mouse droid or just "Mouse" - That annoying guy who follows you around for absolutley no reason what so ever, then turns and runs away as you say "hi, can i help you?"
Palpatine's - Elitists (people who are just the best at everything and make sure everyone else knows about it) , the experts, legends of their own lunchtimes.
Sarlacc Pit - Getting DC'd Someone DCed and when he got back I decided that he escaped the Sarlacc Pit.