I don't understand your reasoning
That comment is arrogant, but i think it was an early comment. And i think they said they had plans for space combat. They need to make it like SWG. Actually they need to make this game like SWG except in the old republic. AND IT WOULD TAKE THE ____ OFF! Keep the awesome bioware story telling, but add in some of the things that worked well in SWG and had people subbing for YEARS! I mean i want to play an MMO and feel like i'm LIVING in the SW universe. I at least felt that in galaxies despite it's problems. I don't feel that here AT ALL. (I'm still having fun don't get me wrong. But i'm not at 50 yet. and by the sound of it i should take my time) I don't PVP, i want to explore, LIVE, trade, hunting missions, commune. Not just go for LEET gear!
97% downloaded..You really should try LOTRO^ (lar'ja) (even when just leveling up god damn place is beautiful)
I have hope for the future. It's star wars and SW = $. So they will make the right decisions i think. (i hope)
Well, this is the most expensive MMO ever with like 5 years of work, not lack of effort.
Just lack of thought, they needed to think beyond WoW with cinematic quests.