nEvEr tO Be SeEn AgAiN
They have commercials running now. Still see nothing that makes me eager to see this. I actually dread what may come. But like a car wreck, I just have to take a look.
The up-side: No matter what, it can't possibly be worse than I already imagine. Right?
My exact sentiments going into this film.
Due to my mixed emotions (at best) on the sequel trilogy, I've been away from SW collecting since not long after TLJ..... So my opinion on this is NOT based on the fact that I have the HT TLJ Kylo because I currently don't own it....
I think TLJ Kylo is superior to this. While I really like Kylo's look in TROS (and in particular his hair), the weird sagging around his cheekbones and down his mouth really damages this sculpt.
They're 2 for 2 in being downgrades from previous versions for me - the shape of TROS Rey's face is really off and unflattering.
Why is he holding the saber all backward?
Looks like he is wearing a tad too stiff and oversized heavy overcoat and not a draping cape/cloak. Especially in the current display showcase going around. Eh...i might try to find a TFA Kylo as my one and only. Damn i was hoping for this one to turn out better
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Wish it draped better