We've gone from the eyes being too large in the 'Game Of Death' release, to the eyes being too small in the 'Black Label' tease, on what is basically the same sculpt
It's a new head sculpt by Enterbay's new sculptor "Schuderia" or whatever he's calling himself.
The head sculpt looks different than the earlier YJ sculpt.
Now the Game of Death figure definately has some huge ass eyes. It throws the likeness down an entire notch. You have to position the eyes specifically to the corner to make the eyes seem a smidge smaller to make him look acceptable.
This sculpt I can accept. Yeah the eyes are little small, but its like hes squinting, focusing on his target, and about to unleash a flurry of whoop ass to his opponent. I like it.
Is that confirmed? Looks exactly the same to me (and everyone else I think) on this thread. Not sure I believe Enterbay....
While all Bruce Lee sculpts look similar (obviously), I've never seen two seperate ones that look like they're the same work. Even each Arnie Kim sculpt looks clearly distinct.
I guess its possible with all the sculpts out there, two would eventually look the same ...but is seems a little suspricous in this instance....
It was on Enterbay Bill's Facebook and Weibo. This guy does not bother announcing anything professionally which I advised him many times to do so.
This is what he said on Facebook regarding the body sculpt and the costume this statue comes with:
Enterbay Bill these are 1/6 scale statue, a perfect presentation of Bruce's body, and these are the original shape of the RM-X rubber body
Enterbay Bill it will be a casual wear with blue jeans , the necklace is not on it yet
And when I asked who was the sculptor behind the Black Label series
Enterbay Bill Sculpted by YJ and Scuderia, Remember their names~
Enterbay Bill this is a newly sculpt, not reuse the same head sculpt from GOD
This is a waste of time and money, bring on big boss already!