As ____ as SW fans are for detail, I'm sure someone will make a custom Stunt helmet like someone did with Boba Fett's helmet
That would be awesome
I have custom stunt helmets for my 12 inch stormies and sandies and they look great!

As ____ as SW fans are for detail, I'm sure someone will make a custom Stunt helmet like someone did with Boba Fett's helmet
Got any pics anywhere? Curious to see how different they look compared to the regular versions
I have the SDS, eFX LE and the MR CE and all are very cool - even the CE in its own symmetrical way.
hey jkno, I could've sworn you posted comparison pics of the eFX LE and MR CE, would you mind sharing them again? I don't quite remember where I've seen it before.
Awesome display... Love the Stormtrooper blaster it's giving me ideas and when that happens it gets dangerous to my wallet.
Yes heres a few i had floating around. You can see the difference with the line above the eyes, and also the mouth is longer (more 'teeth') and the little knobs on the chin are smaller/thinner. If sideshow couldve done with with the PF it wouldve been soooo perfect.
1st 2 shots show stormies with standard hero version sideshow helmets and 2nd shows with custom stunts.
Hi nacho, where do you get the phase II versions? I have the altmanns Scout but have never seen these others newer ones since?
Altmann's Scout hey...NICE!!!! It's the best/most accurate reprisentation to date.
My Brother purchased the phase II back in 2005 directly from Steve Altmann. Apperently he (Altmann) aquired a more movie accurate mold
and continued making lids long after his licenced expired, hence the fact
they were not publicly advertised and harder to come by. I think my bro
just got lucky. Altmann's licence expired in 2003.
Yeh... the original licenced phase 1 LE was terrible. If only they looked as good as the phase II they would have kept their value.
Here is a link to the official product page....Cant belive they were selling for $700..