^^^makes sense. i'm trying to beat it with Akuma now. after that i'll try to unlock Gouken with Ryu since i have his ULtra move down to a pat.
Well I finally braved online today. And all that kept happening was Ken comes along and keeps fire Dragon punching my ass.
you just need to have been involved somehow since SFII at least.
Ive been playing since SF 1, the arcade cabinet has two huge punch pads (one for punch and one for kick) and depending on how hard you hit them would determine the power of your strikes.
I remember those from tilt in pearlridge. But I think they got it after the release of Street Fighter II. Freakin nash, just keep fighting me and I'll find a way to beat you. Too bad we got bad connection, but I'm still game to challege.
Thanks for the games Furious1.
yeah sorry man. i'm scared to play online when i have a hard time playing the computer.
Thanks for the games Furious1.
I'm so bad at this game. Yet love it anyway. Now that's dedication.
you could say the same for COD5, I can't I'm good at that game.
Being how I'm a better and every stat of mine is better than yours, I'm going to say your delusion.
me and jedistarkiller in COD4 are unstapable!!!
i am playing it all nite !!
need to play tonite before I sink my self in KILLZONE 2