Kids got no respect for the law today.Kids are just getting worse and worse
That's has to do with allowing one rule to get broken, then they'll just keep pushing it.
Well, there's a kid who's going to grow up expecting the world to conform to her. Good job, mom.
You know, a male student could never get away with wearing such a shirt, so neither should a female. Similarly, if she had a shirt that said she enjoyed (male genitalia) it would also not be allowed.
I wonder how comfortable this girl would be if the male teachers wore this shirt at school? After all, free speech is free speech...
Well, there's a kid who's going to grow up expecting the world to conform to her. Good job, mom.
Hogwash! There is free speech, then there is abusing free speech. And something called tact... and people need to apply that more. I think it's lame to bring up free speech in this. It's called respect. Respect for others and yourself. Also, it's called a filter and common sense. Use it.
Hogwash! There is free speech, then there is abusing free speech. And something called tact... and people need to apply that more. I think it's lame to bring up free speech in this. It's called respect. Respect for others and yourself. Also, it's called a filter and common sense. Use it.
That is the stupidest shirt I have ever seen for a kid to wear. It's funny if you're 21. But a jr. high school kid wearing that? "mom" needs her head examined.
Hogwash! There is free speech, then there is abusing free speech.
No, there isn't.
No, there isn't.
Yes there is.