Are they? Just saw a TDKR commercial about an hour ago and I bet if I go to the store, I'll see Batman on the Mountain Dews. Hell, isn't HUB doing a Batman the Animated Series Rises marathon still?
I still don't understand the general public's obsession with box office figures.
I only care when a film I like makes enough money for a possible sequel, that's about it.
Oh....or knocking Cameron down the list.
All for that too. Though he'll just add made-up footage and re-release it to pamper his frail ego.
Every 10 can set your watch to it.
Where are the ____ing Terminator and Aliens re-releases?
Oh, I fully expect Avatarded to get a re-re-release just before the sequel comes out.
...and? Last time I checked, there was this thing called "Columbine". Pretty sure it's Colorado (whIch I feel very sorry for for having to deal with those whackos).
Trying to establish a cause-and-effect link between either Colorado (or any state) attracting homicidal nutcases or Christopher Nolan attracting homicidal nutcases because of isolated incidents is reaching at best and pretty damn daft and insensitive at worst.
But the blame where it belongs...on the killer.
It appears the networks acted first...
And of course in the comments section we have idiots saying they pulled them because of The Dark Knight being in the news they don't need to spend money running the ads.
that's pretty tasteless bud, "let him wim?" he killed 12 people and injured 40, im pretty sure he is pretty happy with the outcome, he is famous now too, his face is all over the country,
how exactly are we "Winning" by watching a movie?