Should they have called her _____woman?
Batman is the lone hero here.
Avengers had 6.
If you want to count her, you can. Avengers still win the pecker game.
Should they have called her _____woman?
He wasn't in the movie.
Not sure if he had his pubes yet though.
it doesn't suck because batman is better it sucks because it was a horrible movie.You may like Batman better, but that doesn't mean The Avengers suck.
it doesn't suck because batman is better it sucks because it was a horrible movie.
and ____ the box office.
it doesn't suck because batman is better it sucks because it was a horrible movie.
and ____ the box office.
Avengers fans...we win !!!!!
i have said why in some posts and can go over it again.Calvin, you repeatedly post that you don't like the Avengers and its a horrible movie, but I'm not sure if I've ever read why. Did you enjoy IM, Thor, Cap, or any of the build up movies?
i have said why in some posts and can go over it again.
and i like IM as a good Superhero Movie but even he was dumb and boring in avengers.
Well, I guess I don't get your meaning. Dumb as in Tony didn't act like he should have or the costume/effects for IM was bad?
Batman is the lone hero here.
Avengers had 6.
If you want to count her, you can. Avengers still win the pecker game.
Box office only matters if you want there to be a sequel, or the director continuing making films.