Styracosaurus Maquette

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Oh that reminds me, we'll need to do a photographic comparison of these vascularized muscles, because my poor eyes couldn't spot the disparity betwixt the beasts. There seemed to be a few dark splotches on my Rex's, but that was all I could see.

Also, have you seen Krentz's 1:72 Rex? Dead ringer for the Sideshow incarnation. :D




The flash tends to wash it out a bit, but the jaw muscles on the T.rex for the reason of that tiny bit of detail, definitely have the edge for realism!

The Krentz Tyrannosaurs have a remarkable consistency with the SS maquette. It's a nice example of his extremely heavy involvement in sculpting the SS piece. :rock Love that pic of a Krentz T.rex from the Antediluvian collection!

Here's a banana or two to bolster your enthusiasm all the more ---> :banana :banana

As for ranking them, I would do so as follows (of what has been released/revealed so far):

1) Deinosuchus

2) T-Rex

3) Styracosaurus

4) T-Rex/Triceratops

5) Carnotaurus

Wow, that's quite an intriguing ranking. Can't wait to see 1 and 3 in person soon! :banana

The Deinosuchus wins it in a DINOSAUR line !? How's that work..? lol ;D

These pieces are still all being sculpted by Taboada right ? Has it been determined to what extent the paleo-artists mentioned in conjunction with each actually do ?

Aside frrom that...anyone have a clue how long we can expect this line to continue ? I've collected lines before for a couple years only to have the manufacturers quite on me , leaving space on my shelves and an odd mix of a know what I mean if you collected anything happens to all of us. Personnally I hope the line goes on and on..heh heh but I know it won't...I guess what I'm getting at is there an example specific to Sideshow of a long running line and how far did it go ? Wow..this question wasn't supposed to go on that

Deinosuchus wins because it's a 30-45 foot long crocodile which relied upon dinosaurs for a large portion of its diet. That's "why" it wins. As to the "how", the Parasaurolophus seems to be finding that out. :lol

Three of the five pieces we've seen have been sculpted by Adrian Taboada, but the T.rex and Styracosaurus maquettes were sculpted by David Krentz. It's nice to have the different artists provide their own interpretations of the animals, and bring that individuality and creativity to the line.

How long can we expect this to continue? Into the foreseeable future. What's important to remember is that lines have good shelf lives when not only the consumers adore the statues, but when the artists love creating them. Here we have the perfect marriage. Dinosauria is the most impressive paleo collectible line that I have ever seen in terms of overall quality of the individual pieces, and the artists at SS adore creating the statues. There is a gross amount of excitement on both sides of the fence. There's no reason to think Dinosauria won't last a great many years to come.:D
Oh, I think I see it now. I'm still giving the detail crown to the Carnotaurus, though. He just has that taxidermy-shop look about him.

Which reminds me, I wonder how these pieces might look with glass eyes? That's really where the beast needs to look at you, to tell you that it's alive.
Wow, that's quite an intriguing ranking. Can't wait to see 1 and 3 in person soon! :banana

Deinosuchus wins because it's a 30-45 foot long crocodile which relied upon dinosaurs for a large portion of its diet. That's "why" it wins. As to the "how", the Parasaurolophus seems to be finding that out. :lol

Three of the five pieces we've seen have been sculpted by Adrian Taboada, but the T.rex and Styracosaurus maquettes were sculpted by David Krentz. It's nice to have the different artists provide their own interpretations of the animals, and bring that individuality and creativity to the line.

How long can we expect this to continue? Into the foreseeable future. What's important to remember is that lines have good shelf lives when not only the consumers adore the statues, but when the artists love creating them. Here we have the perfect marriage. Dinosauria is the most impressive paleo collectible line that I have ever seen in terms of overall quality of the individual pieces, and the artists at SS adore creating the statues. There is a gross amount of excitement on both sides of the fence. There's no reason to think Dinosauria won't last a great many years to come.:D

I just meant in terms of coolness and Deino wins out in a DINOSAUR based line against populars like T-Rex ! heh heh

I'm sure a lot of Deinos were also consumed by predatory dinos from hatchling on up, just like today as well..evening it out as it were.

I must have missed where it said Krentz actually sculpted them. I would love to see James Gurney do one piece at least for this line...I love the guys art but it costs so much.

It's longevity is certainly a good thing as far as I'm concerned..I'm passing on a lot to get these and change the feel of my collection more from toy based to art based. We had 4 pieces this year..and now one confirmed so far for next..guess that means we will have another 3 to look forward to eh ? ;D
Oh, I think I see it now. I'm still giving the detail crown to the Carnotaurus, though. He just has that taxidermy-shop look about him.

Which reminds me, I wonder how these pieces might look with glass eyes? That's really where the beast needs to look at you, to tell you that it's alive.

We'll have to agree to disagree. The Carno looks fantastically realistic, but the dio looks like a screencap of a real life dinosaur documentary, even down to the slightest details. Both are nice, but that one detail really makes the T.rex stand out. Would that it were carried over to the Carno.

I just meant in terms of coolness and Deino wins out in a DINOSAUR based line against populars like T-Rex ! heh heh

I'm sure a lot of Deinos were also consumed by predatory dinos from hatchling on up, just like today as well..evening it out as it were.

I must have missed where it said Krentz actually sculpted them. I would love to see James Gurney do one piece at least for this line...I love the guys art but it costs so much.

It's longevity is certainly a good thing as far as I'm concerned..I'm passing on a lot to get these and change the feel of my collection more from toy based to art based. We had 4 pieces this year..and now one confirmed so far for next..guess that means we will have another 3 to look forward to eh ? ;D

Doubtless a lot of young Deinos were killed and eaten by theropods, but an elder adult in its aquatic environment would have been virtually peerless in pound for pound predatory prowess (I'm going to go ahead and pat myself on the back for the alliteration :) ) in its environment. Can't really put one of these fellow up against a large theropod in a "fair" fight, such that they're built to operate and attack in different habitats. T.rex is a terrestrial carnivore and Deinosuchus an aquatic carnivore. As such, there isn't a fair match per se, though I'm sure Deinosuchus could dispatch a large theropod in the water vice versa if both were on land. Even then, neither would likely have an easy victory, but I'm glad Deinosuchus was included in this line; it was one of the most formidable and successful Mesozoic predators. Its presence gives me hope that we'll see other creatures which shared the world with dinosaurs produced for the line.
Oh yes, there was an awesome resin kit I saw somewhere... shoot, I can't recall the artist. But there was one version where the Deinosuchus was snatching up a young Rex, and another where the adult Rex was ripping into the Deinosuchus. I'll see if I can find it.
Oh yes, there was an awesome resin kit I saw somewhere... shoot, I can't recall the artist. But there was one version where the Deinosuchus was snatching up a young Rex, and another where the adult Rex was ripping into the Deinosuchus. I'll see if I can find it.

:horror:naughty:horror Sounds very, very cool and most definitely up my alley. Let me know what you find!
Those were by CM Studio, Charlie did a few variations of scenes with them. I saw one kit on eBay last night of the Deino snatching a hadrosaur or iguanadont. I don't think the kit includes the faux water though...another reason the Deino dio statue would be worthwhile to get.

The Deino does make me hopeful of seeing animals other than dinos as well...Pterosaurs and prehistoric marine life are def on my want list.

Edit some pics I found :


Charlie did several Deino kits but the above old catalog shot is all I could find really.

The one on eBay saw wasn't his it was actually by Shane Foulkes :
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Oh yeah, there they are! Thanks, Blade. McGrady's work never fails to impress. Shane's Deinosuchus seems pretty awesome as well. I haven't seen it in person yet, just the photos so I could sell it in my store. Geh.


Oh, and that would be a Kritosaurus, with the distinctive nasal ridge. :)
All those pieces displayed together tell a great story..might be an idea for Sideshow to consider eh ? ;)

Darn, I was going to ask you , Dan, if his kit had the acrylic water with it or if it was just a building suggestion. That stuff is kinda difficult to work with. ...another plus for Deino Dinosauria piece.
Darn, I was going to ask you , Dan, if his kit had the acrylic water with it or if it was just a building suggestion. That stuff is kinda difficult to work with. ...another plus for Deino Dinosauria piece.

Not sure actually, but I can ask Shane if you're seriously considering that piece.

LOTRFan, did you see the diorama at Comic-Con? If so, keep taunting us about how awesome it will be. :maul
No need to bother him unless your contacting him for anything's mainly my curiosity..but also me trying to keep justifying the money spent on this piece.... heh heh

I know that many kits don't include detail work like that and it has to be added unfortunatly.

Is it time the Deino got it's own thread ? I'd like to see those pics showing it in comparison with the other pieces from comic con again.
LOTRFan, did you see the diorama at Comic-Con? If so, keep taunting us about how awesome it will be. :maul

I sure did, and it was an instant purchase; not that it was ever really in doubt. The only Dinosauria piece that had shipped at that point was the T-rex/Triceratops dio; but now having them all in hand, I can say that the production pieces are equal to (or very close, the Carnotaurus being the exception) what I saw at Con. That being said, the Deino will be amazing, the colors are vibrant and the water does look very real; not like the toothpaste dioramas we did in grade school or that other collectibles suffer from.

Nice. I'm gonna have to find a way to get this piece, now. So what did you notice that had changed with the Carnotaurus?
Mainly the eyes, and the mouth; there was quite a bit of detail lost there.

The mouth was what I noticed by far the most. The eyes I still think, at least on mine, turned out rather well. In the prototype there was far more detailed in the mouth, though, it seems. That being said, I'm very, VERY pleased with the Carnotaurus. It's such an amazingly menacing piece.

As to the Deinosuchus vs. T.rex pieces, I wasn't aware that they were by CM Studios. I'm a huge fan of their work, at least from what I've always seen in PT. Those Deinosuchus statues aren't in the catalog any longer. Anyone have an thoughts as to where one might snag these? Quite, quite impressive.
I sure did, and it was an instant purchase; not that it was ever really in doubt. The only Dinosauria piece that had shipped at that point was the T-rex/Triceratops dio; but now having them all in hand, I can say that the production pieces are equal to (or very close, the Carnotaurus being the exception) what I saw at Con. That being said, the Deino will be amazing, the colors are vibrant and the water does look very real; not like the toothpaste dioramas we did in grade school or that other collectibles suffer from.


LOTRFan, you continue to inspire me with confidence that this dio will be mind-blowingly cool! :chew