Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

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Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

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Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

Cant wait till this comes out! Havent taken out my SF4 disc from the PS3 since release. Well maybe 3 times to play DMC4 again for fun.
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

Oohhh, Cammy's Bison costume is cute, and Ryu's Shin-Shoryuken looks nice. I still don't like Chun's new costume tho. =(

I wanna see some more new ultras =) The only one that kind of disappointed me was Ken's. Seemed kinda bland.
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

So now that we know there are 2 ultras and selectable like SF3, does anyone think its gonna be a rehash of SF3 where only specific ultras are worth using/top tier etc...?

Rose is my main and hate for them not to tweak her utlra now and only be able to use her second cause its comboable etc... I hope all the ultras are balanced where a specific one fits your game style and not being used cause its god mode.

Cant wait for what they do to balance to low Tier characters, after seths interview mentioning Sim and Rose having some nice new moves. I am excited more then ever for it!

Dont forget Speedy we need some matches in this week!!!!!

honestly i'd only worry about gameplay right now and not so much the ultra balance issues. Look at Gief's two ultras: one is ground grab, the other is an air-grab(similar to how an air-throw works i assume). They're almost equally advantageous. Although you spend a good deal of time on the ground, you can change strategies depending on which one you choose. With Ultra 2, empty jump to ultra wont work obviously but the opponent is now forced to stay grounded, letting you rush down while owning the air space.

Cammy's new ultra is a grappler ultra, very different from her FADCable ultra setup she has now.

I think they'll be different enough to warrant using different strategies and be equally appealing in that way. Either that or they'll be just as useful as the old ones.

All I'm concerned about now is making knock-downs mean something again. All you can do against a character with two bars and an uppercut is to feint and get them to waste that meter or bait a reversal and punish. To me that's just BS when you're the one who worked to get him on the mat, and now you are the one getting mixed up and having your pressure options limited? This is like the first SF game where getting knocked down is in your favor when you have a simple FADC ultra setup and an invincible reversal special.

Somehow I don't see that changing. Oh well. The ryu, akuma and Ken matchups have become so much fun the only one bugging me is Sagat. 7 feet of pure *******.
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

the only one bugging me is Sagat. 7 feet of pure *******.

Yup he is a biotch! Specially all them in G1 now, and maining rose sucks with one single upper cut of his and im down to 70%.

We shall see what SSF4 brings us, cause balance is needed big time.
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

I love Rose. I pretty much like all of the mid-low tier characters in good hands. So fun seeing Makoto's Claw, Justin Wong's Fei, Sanford's Cammy, Saq's Rose, Sabre's Sakura, etc.

I like playing against a good Rose, it's kind of a 5-5 imo. Bison's not a bad matchup for a good rose. Wakeup game sucks, yeah, but her zoning and air-to-air is great against Bison. A fireball character with an air-throw can be tough to get in on. when they have the life lead. Gotta watch out for jumping in on her wakeup when she has ultra too.
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

El Fuerte’s new alt is a festive latin costume
Fei Long’s new alt is the BLACK MASK aka Bruce Lee’s character. Except this one is sleeveless
Ken’s new alt is a cowboy costume
Honda’s new alt looks like a traditional Japanese thief
Cody has the white wifebeater and jeans
Dhalsim has traditional indian garb with a turban
Rose has a very stylish dress with a long slit up it
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

new SSFIV fight stick teased

Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

I love Rose. I pretty much like all of the mid-low tier characters in good hands. So fun seeing Makoto's Claw, Justin Wong's Fei, Sanford's Cammy, Saq's Rose, Sabre's Sakura, etc.

I like playing against a good Rose, it's kind of a 5-5 imo. Bison's not a bad matchup for a good rose. Wakeup game sucks, yeah, but her zoning and air-to-air is great against Bison. A fireball character with an air-throw can be tough to get in on. when they have the life lead. Gotta watch out for jumping in on her wakeup when she has ultra too.

Ever since i stopped using Akuma when the game was released i been studying Saqs rose and been using her since. Not a fine tuned as he is, but learning as i go. Fun to enter a battle with her and people think they have a given win, and only to watch them get pissed and send hate mail afterwards losing to the shamwow!!!

I like that they are giving her a sexy dress alt costume this time around, shes got the look for it!

Not a fan of the sticks tho, built my own with Sanwa stick and semistu buttons. Got the case off SRK guy and love them!

Check em out.


Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

new SSFIV fight stick teased


ohh, that looks slick so far. perhaps it'll push me to buy a stick for the 360, and then I'll end up buying the game for both the 360 and PS3. :banghead
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>

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Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

Ever since i stopped using Akuma when the game was released i been studying Saqs rose and been using her since. Not a fine tuned as he is, but learning as i go. Fun to enter a battle with her and people think they have a given win, and only to watch them get pissed and send hate mail afterwards losing to the shamwow!!!

I like that they are giving her a sexy dress alt costume this time around, shes got the look for it!

Not a fan of the sticks tho, built my own with Sanwa stick and semistu buttons. Got the case off SRK guy and love them!

Check em out.



Those are some awesome looking fighting sticks!!! Did they cost an arm and a leg to piece together???
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

Those are some awesome looking fighting sticks!!! Did they cost an arm and a leg to piece together???

Not really the cases were $80 shipped, stick $24, Buttons $2.50 each and the PCB $45. Then time painting it up, but i have tons of that stuff due to custom statues, so wasnt that bad.

Costs a bit more then a TE stick, but at least with this i can replace any part without dealing with madcatz. Plus its hardwired USB into the PS3 so no issues with lag etc....

I love this button layout tho, cause i am so used to arcades with even buttons. The TE has them on a slight angle and just couldnt get used to it. Hell i love this guys (Voltech on SRK forums) so much i have a 3rd waiting for the summer to do another.
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

Not really the cases were $80 shipped, stick $24, Buttons $2.50 each and the PCB $45. Then time painting it up, but i have tons of that stuff due to custom statues, so wasnt that bad.

Costs a bit more then a TE stick, but at least with this i can replace any part without dealing with madcatz. Plus its hardwired USB into the PS3 so no issues with lag etc....

I love this button layout tho, cause i am so used to arcades with even buttons. The TE has them on a slight angle and just couldnt get used to it. Hell i love this guys (Voltech on SRK forums) so much i have a 3rd waiting for the summer to do another.

whats that mean?
Re: Super Street Fighter IV confirmed

whats that mean?

Most of the Pros and guys who hit tournaments rather have a hard wired stick then a wireless in case lag happens with commands.

Been so many tests compared to a hard wired stick with a wireless that it can means fractions of a second or seconds inputs get delayed.

Me personally i am not a fan of wireless stuff which is why i have my PS3 wired into my router.

Also so far its hard to mod a stick wirelessly with a PS3 PCB controller. :D

Side note: Man tons of new info flooding the forums about last nights SSF4 show off. Some of the ultras suck, and some are just insane. Cant say i am happy about Rose's second ultra, since the two orbs only did same dmg as her soul sparks. But maybe there is some juggle to them when tested some more.