I really do hope they get Reeve's likeness down the way they have Stamp's. Obviously Zod's outfit had some maroon in it in the movie, however it wasn't nearly as noticeable.
sad update, I lost everything in a fire on sunday. I lost my zod (many jokes about me not kneeling before him were made) Also I lost my pets, one of which Wall-e I introduced on this board when we found him, if you look through the old Wall_E toy thread from a long time ago.
You have all my sympathies, Artistrex...
I know what you're going through... One of my cats died of a stroke two months ago, and another one will soon die soon of heart problems (he's old -20- and is lungs fill with water, so I have to mae him injections everyday to help him eliminate water), and I feel like I'm losing members of my family, so once again, all my sympathy. Toys mean nothing compared to a lost life!
Sorry for the loss guys, especially if it's cat. I can relate to cats. My cat sleeps with me in my room every night, and it's purring calms me down when I'm frustrated. I'd be crushed if it died
I wonder if Mattel hurry the release of their Supes now that a hot toys version is rumoured to be on the horizon...
my Zod with my HT Superman and Jor-el
Okay, I just finished watching the Donner cut of S2, and made some observations on the red piping. The red only shows up in 3 scenes(landing in the lake, walking in the woods,and facing down the hick cops), very subtle and only on the men;in no scene does it show on Ursa. It must be noted, however, that the Donner cut is a much tighter edit;most of the scenes are cut shorter, and some are clearly footage that's been heavily restored. Some scenes appear to be alternate takes on what was in the theatrical release. All in all, it's a bit choppy, but still a very interesting alternative to the theatrical version; less humor,a more streamlined script...PS