Super Freak
so that would be a commission of.....1
sorry Aero. I just couldn't help it.

so that would be a commission of.....1
sorry Aero. I just couldn't help it.
The whole set is has practically disappeared, but it does show up on eBay every once in awhile at a crazy jacked up price. If you only want the blazer, I've seen it being sold loose and that's a lot more reasonably priced.
I really wish Saturday Toys would reissue all three of the clothing sets like they did their Terminator biker set. I've been looking for months for the one with the zip-up sweatshirt for Sam and the last time I saw it listed the opening price plus insane shipping was already over $50.
Any idea how far off we are to seeing an expected start date for the Winchester bros?
Thanks! I'll do that!just pm Chris, he can give you the details. He great to deal with,
by the way, I've begun stripping Ada's of paint. I noticed that your Sam is thinner than the season 1 look
Thanks for the info! AND thanks for the Sammy head, you rock! Hey, I got a white t-shirt for my Sam in the mail today, I'm having everything shipped to the office so I don't have to wait until I get!Pine Sol to remove paint (& smells like the BC forest)
Tamiya primer
Go to Nor Cal on Winnapeg St., they carry the Aztek airbrush, easy to use & fast to clean (cleans well with windshield wiper fluid, also cleans brushes well when using acrylics)
I've got an extra Sammy that's already painted with the other hairstyle from season 1, you can have it. I'm not gonna use it & it's done
Still really want to see Chris's take on the bros as well as good ol Bobby. Oh, Subway Screamin make a Jack Nicholson from the Shining that has perfect tan work boots for Bobby
There ya go, PM Morbach & everything is perfect
Morbach, the wait isn't a big deal, just means Chris is busy, which is good AND it gives us schleps time to paint. I soooooo need to do this build though, especially the forthcoming Bobby