SW Original and SE shot by shot comparison

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Khev said:
I always thought it would have been funny if right after Luke set fire to Vader you hear the sound of someone snoring then awakening from a deep sleep. Then "Wait, where am I? What's burning? Its-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! NOT AGAIN, AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Why Luke WHY!!!!!!??? AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"
:lol I thought it would be a great easter egg in ROTJ to show the reactor core before Lando and Wedge blow it up, with Palpatine landing on his feet afeter being tossed by Vader. Laughing because they thought he was dead while in fact he was getting ready to force jump back up and whip both Vader and Luke when all of sudden Wedge and the Falcon come screaming into the core and blow the reactor and Palpy with a "oh s**t" expression, then boom!
Heh heh, years ago I was watching ROTJ with a friend and we noticed that as the Emperor is going down the shaft it looks like there's a bridge going across it like the one Obi-Wan used to disable the tractor beam on the first DS.

We speculated how funny it would have been if they showed a shot of two Stormtroopers walking across one of the bridges as Palpatine flew past in a screaming blaze of electricity and the two Stormies stop, look down, look at each other, pause, one of them says "Nah," and they continue walking across the bridge.
Khev said:
That is a great point. Everyone knows that real life ewoks, Jedi, hyperspace fighter pilots, and rebel diplomats could never spread news of the downfall of the Galactic Emperor to other planets in the span of a few hours. That borders on outright fantasy. ;)

:lol Nice, but the problem is continuity. The PT brought so many errors of continuity that that really becomes the reason I have a harder time enjoying it. I see no reason to believe that a primative Ewok culture is going to all of a sudden ditch their dial-up for DSL. It made more sense to me to leave the celebration smaller, and actually more poignant. Plus the CG looks awful during the new ending ... :sick

I know we all can flash a nice simplistic equation to let everyone know what SW is comprised of, but if it boils down to math, SW fails a number of tests. I think it is quite obvious that Lucas was writing by the seat of his pants a number of times, and the number of continuity errors or just gross "shrinkage" of this massive galaxy irks me.

So R2 flies, then he can't make it through a desert, Vader built C3PO, Anakin got in school yard fights with Greedo .... the PT at times felt like more of a "who can we give an early cameo to" than its own story.

Anyway, I have posted this site before, and while I think a LOT of it is just semantics, perhaps you will agree with some of the REASONS
LOTRFan said:
The PT brought so many errors of continuity that that really becomes the reason I have a harder time enjoying it.
Nah. Its all in how who choose to connect the dots. Its easy to dislike the prequels and say "R2 isn't supposed to have rockets" just as its easy to like them and assume that over a period of 20 years they either stopped working or were removed for some reason.

If you don't think the PT is worthy of glazing over some places it doesn't sync up exactly with the OT then of course that's simply your choice. But keep in mind the OT had its continuity hiccups itself.

LOTRFan said:
I see no reason to believe that a primative Ewok culture is going to all of a sudden ditch their dial-up for DSL.
LOTRFan said:
I know we all can flash a nice simplistic equation to let everyone know what SW is comprised of, but if it boils down to math, SW fails a number of tests. I think it is quite obvious that Lucas was writing by the seat of his pants a number of times, and the number of continuity errors or just gross "shrinkage" of this massive galaxy irks me.

It does boil down to the simplistic equation. It's all about SW and it isn't any simpler than that. SW isn't perfect. Neither the PT nor the OT are. I think a lot of folks just need to kick back and enjoy SW more and quit thinking so much. It's a movie about **** that can't ever happen or won't ever happen. I also think that many folks who don't like the PT are doing so because the adult in them won't just let them enjoy it. They are too busy trying to analyze every thing instead of being like they where all those years ago when the OT came.

As far as that site goes that place is pretty much one of the biggest wastes of space on the net. That person really needs to get out more and is REALLY over analyzing the PT. While a few of them make sense most of them are pure crap. I guess if you want a good laugh or are just a pure PT hater then go right ahead and take a look otherwise you're just wasting youre time.

PT+OT=SW (Some may think it's simple but this is what it all boils down to)
Khev said:
Personally I'd extend that equation to PT + CW + OT = SW.
That's true. The CW stuff when watched with the movies helps fill in some nice gaps. I really enjoy the CW cartoons.
jlcmsu said:
That's true. The CW stuff when watched with the movies helps fill in some nice gaps. I really enjoy the CW cartoons.

I won't watch the PT without these. I consider it Episode 2.5
Gruson said:
Brian Peppers
Quote:Brian Peppers (born November 1, 1968) is a resident of Whitehouse, Ohio (a suburb of Toledo), who became the subject of an Internet meme that originated in 2005 concerning the circulation of his photograph, obtained from the Ohio Electronic Sex Offenders Registry[1].

The appearance of the photograph led many viewers to suggest that it was faked. Snopes investigated the case and determined it was most likely true. They also found high school yearbook photos of Peppers.[2] The Ohio Attorney General's office told them "This is an accurate photo of this offender."

Snopes suggests that Peppers' unusual appearance may be due to malformation of the cranium caused by a branchial arch condition such as Apert syndrome or Crouzon syndrome.

Apparently this was an article on Wikipedia that was deleted.

Not sure what Gruson meant. You have anything to add Gruson?
jlcmsu said:
It's a movie about **** that can't ever happen or won't ever happen.
CAN'T happen?? WON'T happen??? Say it ain't so!!!!1!11

I want my working light saber, and I want it NOW!


I guess some people do tend to take "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." a bit too seriously at times. ;)
:confused: ...you....you mean....it wont EVER happen??????:(

I wonder if the folks who focus on the obvious holes in the PT are EU subscribers? Most of my friends who are not into the PT are also not into the EU and I think that is a shame. A lot of the holes are expertly and intricately wrapped up in the EU and those that are not are just grand opportunities waiting to happen. Interesting....
RoboDad said:
I guess some people do tend to take "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." a bit too seriously at times. ;)

Maybe, but fantasy should still be coherent, we aren't THAT postmodern. ;)
Nothing guys, it's kind of like saying ALL YOUR BASE.

(if you know what that means)

Don't worry about it.