I thought it would be a great easter egg in ROTJ to show the reactor core before Lando and Wedge blow it up, with Palpatine landing on his feet afeter being tossed by Vader. Laughing because they thought he was dead while in fact he was getting ready to force jump back up and whip both Vader and Luke when all of sudden Wedge and the Falcon come screaming into the core and blow the reactor and Palpy with a "oh s**t" expression, then boom!Khev said:I always thought it would have been funny if right after Luke set fire to Vader you hear the sound of someone snoring then awakening from a deep sleep. Then "Wait, where am I? What's burning? Its-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! NOT AGAIN, AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Why Luke WHY!!!!!!??? AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"