SW Original and SE shot by shot comparison

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RoboDad said:
I guess some people do tend to take "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." a bit too seriously at times. ;)

Folks do though. Including myself. I mean we're one here talking about how part of a story is or isn't worth being part of the story.:lol

LOTRFan said:
Maybe, but fantasy should still be coherent, we aren't THAT postmodern. ;)

It is coherent. Unless your a zombie or have mush for brains it should make some sense. :lol

Not saying this is the case for you Matt.

Gruson said:
Nothing guys, it's kind of like saying ALL YOUR BASE.

(if you know what that means)

Don't worry about it.

A saying where? In the middle of the outback? :lol The all your base is from a video game but even that doesn't make sense. Explain it if you would. Because this seems like a random comment. I mean I can do that too.

Jelly Bean

See a random comment. I could say it was a saying too.:rotfl
Dr.Mirakle32 said:
You guys have it all wrong! It actually goes like this:
ROTS+OT= SW:chew :chew :chew
A couple of my ewok hating friends would actually say ROTS + ANH + ESB = SW. At this rate we'll soon have someone posting that AOTC + Droids Cartoon Episode 5 + Star Tours + Ee Chuta = SW. :lol
SW=ANH PERIOD. Thats what is said on on the ticket and sign when I saw it as a kid. I still will very rarely refer to it as a new hope, it has and always be Star Wars to me.
mfoga said:
SW=ANH PERIOD. Thats what is said on on the ticket and sign when I saw it as a kid. I still will very rarely refer to it as a new hope, it has and always be Star Wars to me.

I grew up calling it Star Wars, but I now find myself calling it Episode IV.

As for equations, it's all Star Wars to me, eve n the stuff I don't like. I don't have to love every little thing in order to love the franchise, and the films, as a whole.

Is TPM weak? Oh hell yes. Do I enjoy watching it? Very much so. Is it Star Wars? Yep. So is AOTC, although I have a lot of trouble getting through that film. And it's not the acting. I watched the whole thing through in French once, and the dialogue still felt rotten. :lol But it's still Star Wars.
mfoga said:
SW=ANH PERIOD. Thats what is said on on the ticket and sign when I saw it as a kid. I still will very rarely refer to it as a new hope, it has and always be Star Wars to me.

No one says it can't be.

Just buy ANH and call it a day.

Hope you don't buy any figures from Empire, Jedi, Phantom, Clones or Sith cause they are not Star Wars.
No one says it can't be.

Just buy ANH and call it a day.

Hope you don't buy any figures from Empire, Jedi, Phantom, Clones or Sith cause they are not Star Wars.
I knew people would misuderstand me. I am not changing the name even though Lucas decided too. To me Star Wars is the Original movie. The rest are not "Star Wars" but apart of the Star Wars franchise.
mfoga said:
I knew people would misuderstand me. I am not changing the name even though Lucas decided too. To me Star Wars is the Original movie. The rest are not "Star Wars" but apart of the Star Wars franchise.
When you hear Lucas himself talking about the movies, he still refers to Ep IV as Star Wars.
mfoga said:
I knew people would misuderstand me. I am not changing the name even though Lucas decided too. To me Star Wars is the Original movie. The rest are not "Star Wars" but apart of the Star Wars franchise.

I knew what you meant, and feel the same. The first film of the larger "Star Wars" franchise also itself happens to be called "Star Wars." I still can't bring myself to refer to "Star Wars" as "A New Hope" just because it says that on the DVD box now to make it match the others. (Anybody make the switch to "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" yet?) I understand they want continuity throughout the series so the boxes will match on the shelf, but the original Star Wars will always be "Star Wars" to me and the average person on the street. If George Lucas doesn't have to make the mental switch then neither do I.

But referring to them by episode number has become much more common and accepted, too. I would call it "Episode IV" before "A New Hope" any day. It kind of depends on who you are talking to, I guess. My Grandma would be confused if I said anything other than "Star Wars."
It does not bother me when people call it either "Star Wars" or "A new Hope".
I have heard Lucas say that it was always called A New Hope, but the studio would not allow him to put "Episode IV: A New Hope" because it would confuse people, but then also heard him refer to the 1st film as just "Star Wars" as well.

It does not really matter. Just enjoy the film!
Yep, George uses "Star Wars" and "A New Hope" pretty interchangeably when referring to, uh, "Episode IV" on the documentaries. I say Star Wars but ANH is just easier to type and keeps things simple on the net.

And its still Raiders of the Lost Ark. The DVD cover says "Indiana Jones and..." but the title in the actual opening film credits still just says Raiders. Thankfully. :)
Anyone considered that they may give the Ben vs. Vader rematch an overhaul? Also perhaps they will incorporate musical themes from the PT into the OT?
Both possibilities have been speculated on for quite a while but I hope they don't touch the ANH saber duel. My guess is that they'd just incorporate some jarring CGI stunt doubles twirling around each other like they did with the Palpatine/Mace duel from ROTS.

Its an old man and a handicapped cyborg. They don't need to look like cirque de soleil acrobats. I hope they leave it alone.

Bring on more CGI X-Wings though, Red Leader's crash into the DS would have a lot more impact (no pun intended) if it actually looked like something more than a firecracker going off on a plastic model. :)
Khev said:
Both possibilities have been speculated on for quite a while but I hope they don't touch the ANH saber duel. My guess is that they'd just incorporate some jarring CGI stunt doubles twirling around each other like they did with the Palpatine/Mace duel from ROTS.

Its an old man and a handicapped cyborg. They don't need to look like cirque de soleil acrobats. I hope they leave it alone. :)

Agreed. They do not need to alter this scene in the movie IMO.
Khev said:
....Its an old man and a handicapped cyborg. They don't need to look like cirque de soleil acrobats. I hope they leave it alone. :)
I agree. Or I used to. But now I just feel (especially after seeing ROTS) that the Ben vs. Vader duel doens't have the emotional gravitas that needs to have. At least to me, it falls short of what I expect to see in a rematch of two enemies.

Also in ANH the fight was done with Prowse but I believe for the duels in ESB and ROTJ they used a different actor (ergo Vader jumps and flies and moves with a bit more mobility than he does in ANH). I don't want them flying at eachother but I would like it changed to somehow make it feel like a continuation of the Mustafar duel.
pixletwin said:
Anyone considered that they may give the Ben vs. Vader rematch an overhaul? Also perhaps they will incorporate musical themes from the PT into the OT?
Please no! Leave all that superfluous spinning and twirling in the prequels. The thought of Alec Guiness flipping around breaks my heart.
pixletwin said:
I agree. Or I used to. But now I just feel (especially after seeing ROTS) that the Ben vs. Vader duel doens't have the emotional gravitas that needs to have.
It does for me on account of Alec Guiness' performance and John Williams score. The fact that the actual fight choreography is understated in light of those elements just adds to the poignancy IMO.
Khev said:
It does for me on account of Alec Guiness' performance and John Williams score. The fact that the actual fight choreography is understated in light of those elements just adds to the poignancy IMO.
Well stated, sir.
TheObsoleteMan said:
Please no! Leave all that superfluous spinning and twirling in the prequels. The thought of Alec Guiness flipping around breaks my heart.

I couldn't agree more, though in Lucas' mind (an example of lacking any form of continuity) Dooku, Sidious and even Yoda had no trouble at their age. :eek:
tomandshell said:
I still can't bring myself to refer to "Star Wars" as "A New Hope" just because it says that on the DVD box now to make it match the others.
I understand exactly what you mean and I feel the same way, but to be completely fair, the title was changed long before there was ever any thought of a home video release, let alone a DVD. It was changed before ESB was ever released in the theater. The only thing that has changed recently (for the DVDs) is the visual emphasis on the "IV", and the more consistent new appearance of the titles.