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No problem. Glad the guys covering the show could snag some pics. I hope that Sandtrooper dio gets made but I'm a sucker for Sandies.
jlcmsu said:
The guys I work with at Sandtroopers got some pics during the SS Q&A.

SS Pics



I would say the classic core character will be Palpatine, ANH Han Solo, Tarkin, or Vader, i'm betting one of those 4.
A highly requested classic core character?

My bet is on Vader or ANH Han. Considering a classic Luke was just released for celebration and they're on an ANH kick, these two seem the most likely to me.

Sad news on Chewie. I'm all for a sculpted one. I would rather have that than no Chewie. Besides, he's one of my most wanted.
Actually, I'll add a 5th to my prediction, ANH Farm Boy Luke is a possible candidate, ya they just released the Yavin, but there's been a lot of buzz around here for desire to have that Luke, would certainly fit the highly wanted.
I think the core character is ANH Vader. He's not really much more armored than Boushh and with Ben having just been announced, the time feels right for the Dark Lord.
TheObsoleteMan said:
I think the core character is ANH Vader. He's not really much more armored than Boushh and with Ben having just been announced, the time feels right for the Dark Lord.

My thoughts exactly.
TheObsoleteMan said:
I think the core character is ANH Vader. He's not really much more armored than Boushh and with Ben having just been announced, the time feels right for the Dark Lord.

I too agree, I think it's safe to say Vader is the most highly requested core character. Can't wait until SDCC '07:D :chew
MaulFan said:
As for the 2-Pack being PT, here are some thoughts I'm having.

TPM - Nute Gunray & Rune Haako

ROTS - Darth Sidious & Yoda

ROTS - Darth Sidious & Darth Vader (Suit)

ROTS - Darth Sidious & Darth Vader (Mustafar Burnt)

AOTC - Anakin & Obi-Wan

AOTC - Anakin & Padme

TPM - Anakin & Shmi

TPM - Obi-Wan & Anakin

At least those are the ones I can think of right now that tie in with key points of plot in the Prequel Trilogy.

My thoughts on the two pack (could be wrong though) is that it is probably going to be TPM - Nute Gunray & Rune Haako. I only say this because the Hologram of Darth Sidious on the robot walker that is coming out for SDCC. In the scene that it is used those two flank the walker along with Darth Maul who is out already. That makes the most sense to me.
Agent0028 said:
Tarkin and Vader would make a pretty cool two pack.

What's the connection between Tarkin and Dooku Buttmunch?

Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee (the actors who played them) were good friends and in many movies together - mostly Hammer Horror films. Lee usually played the monster and Cushing the good guy (ie Dracula and Van Helsing). So there is no real SW connection, but there is a connection through the actors. Also, Christopher Lee was offered the role of Tarkin, but turned it down and recommended Peter.
I'm gonna have to call Bull-**** on the no Chewbacca... there is just no way you could make a 1/6 SW line and not include him. That would just be ridiculous.

Right now, as I huddle in the corner, I choose to believe that they are just trying to trick us. Or maybe by lying now the petitions will pour in and when the release a Chewie (furred or not) fans will be so happy they won that they will cease to complain.

j/k Star Wars fans, by there nature, have to complain :D
Cool to see the photos and im liking the sound of army builders will have there day in the sun. But how many figure do you need to have an army?
How about a 2-pack Jango and young Fett pretty unlikly but cool.
I hope we get the Emperor soon from RotJ not Rots Sedious, any news on a Yoda dont seem to hear much about him?
Its great to hear about the 2-pack figures news. Its coming in 2-pack form because... maybe these figures don't come in the standard 1/6 scale figure body. Perhaps....

1. R2 and C-3PO

2. 2 difference Jawas

3. Watto and a Pit Droid

3. Sebulba and a Pit Droid...
I was thinking about this one...

" 2008 may be a bit different, as rather than one big expensive item or set, army builders may get their day in the sun."

day in the sun... sounds like sandtroopers could be on their way ? Could be a cryptic clue to what is ahead perhaps ? Especially as it was hinted at about things being black and white. Could be your standard trooper figure with the accessories / pauldrons, blasters / backpack etc being the add-ons a la Darth Maul and his probe droids ?

I like the idea of VADER being the sdcc exclusive figure, as long as it is ANH style and the helmet has been sculpted correctly ! Hell, I'd offer to sculpt it for them if they like ?

2 pack from the PT ? How about Jango and boba ?
Thanks Buttmunch I had forgotten about the two acting in those horror movies together.

I remember with the Bond two packs you could buy the figures seperately, is that likely to be the case here as well? I really hope that if it is PT Yoda that he either comes with another Jedi (since they are all I'm allowing myself to buy) or that he can be purchased seperately too.
I was thinking about the classic core character last night before I went to bed. Trying to figure out who I thought it would most likely be and the Emperor and Vader where the two most glairing characters that came to mind.