Sweeney Todd Trailer

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I really liked Charlie too.

I did as well, but I know a lot of others didn't seem to. I just thought using Big Fish as an example of Burton being on a roll lately was funny since he has made two films since then.
It's gonna be REALLY difficult for me to get thru the singing (I HATE, NO...LOATHE, NO...DESPISE MUSICALS :monkey4), but it looks like Tim Burton and Johnny Depp strike again!! :rock
Swing your razor wide Sweeney...

Sweeney was smooth, Sweeney was subtle,
Sweeney would blink, and rats would scuttle
Sweeney! Sweeney! Sweeney! Sweeney!

I can't wait for this one. Trailer gave me goosebumps. PG-13 seems about right seeing as there is no nudity, cursing and only a small amount of murder in the stage production - it's mainly psychological horror. This one doesn't need to be AvP2 gory.

I think most are resistant to musicals not from the songs so much as because they are so damned upbeat and cheery. I've seen this one performed on stage half a dozen or more times - everything from High school and college productions to the lavish London production - and it never fails to enthrall me (except for that damned 'Joanna' sailor love song... grrr) and I generally am bored during musicals - though I finally caught the film Pirates of Penzance the other day with Kevin Klein and Angela Lansbury (the original Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney) and was very entertained by the staging and performances of the Gilbert and Sullivan silliness.

Johnny, Tim and Helena are perfect to bring the Demon Barber to the screen. All Tim Burton movies should be set in Victorian London. :D
Maybe I have to rewatch it. I just remember being so bored in the theatre. But some movies get better with time.

Well, I also know some people who disliked it. But I agree with you that neither Planet of the Apes nor Mars Attacks are among his best work, lol.
Well, I also know some people who disliked it. But I agree with you that neither Planet of the Apes nor Mars Attacks are among his best work, lol.

While it may not be Burton's best, I really like Mars Attacks. Of course Ed Wood is still my favorite Burton film.