Sweeney Todd Trailer

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The look, story, direction, characters are all set-up wonderfully (or so it seems from the trailer) but I am quite underwhelmed by Johnny Depp's singing. Granted it was just a few seconds so perhaps his singing is going to be good. But if he's going to be singing that weakly and doing more half sing/half talk through all the songs it will be a major downer for this film (it is based on the musical afterall). The role of Sweeny doesn't need someone with a pretty singing voice but it does need passion and power and Depp's voice came across very weak.

Didn't he sing in Corpse Bride?
The brief amount of singing that they put in the trailer was from a moment in the score which is intentionally half sung/half spoken. (Look at Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady, for example). There are other sections that will really test his abilities and vocal range. I think it will be much like Gerard Butler in Phantom of the Opera, in that he will be adequate in his singing, but will not give us anything like a definitive vocal performance. However, I think that much of this kind of singing is acting--especially this particular role--and Depp has the acting ability to pull it off, for sure. He will be one of the best actors ever to play the part, and that skill will "bleed" over into the musical elements and I think he will pull it off. If he does well enough they might even throw an Oscar nomination at him.

Sacha Baron Cohen has a very small part--practically a cameo--but he has to hit some insanely high and sustained notes. I wonder if he's up for it.

Adequate singing isn't good enough IMO when it comes to musicals on the big screen. Butler is an example (along with Mina Driver) from "The Phantom of the Opera". Butler did an OK job but he was not fantastic but because the choice was to go with an good looking actor who has had some film experience then we got 'adequate' instead of someone who could really sing very well (something that is key to the part of Erik/Phantom). Mina Driver didn't even sing in the film (her voice was dubbed) except for the new end title song. Sure they could have hired someone that could both sing and act but they wanted but they decided going with a well known actress instead.

As for the part featured in the trailer with Depp singing it is a part that is much more powerfully sung and it was not there (sorry, but it wasn't). Yes there are parts of the role where it's some talking within the song but it must be passionate and crazed and Depp was not exuding much of either of those in that particular part. Acting wise I think in the end he'll be able to pull it off but singing wise I'm just not sure (we haven't heard enough yet) and if all we get is 'adequate' than that is very unfortunate because this is a film based on the MUSICAL.
I thought that the Phantom of the Opera movie was adequate, but the singing was nowhere near the quality that you would get if you cast generally unknown stage actors with powerful voices. Did it deserve better than "adequate"? Maybe so--but it's fun seeing King Leonidas sing.

I think that movie adaptations of stage musicals are a challenge because the director and studio obviously want to cast a familiar star in the lead. Richard Gere did OK in Chicago, but you could easily find ten or twenty Broadway stage actors that would blow him out of the water. But James Naughton or Jerry Orbach are not the kind of marquee names that the studios are going to hang a movie on. Stage veterans like Len Cariou or George Hearn can sing the role of Sweeney Todd, but there's no way that they would be able to carry a film adaptation and sell tickets to the masses. Johnny Depp is as good a match for the part as any other actor I can think of who can be made to sing, but I never expected them to cast the role based primarily on vocal ability. They were looking for famous actors who can sing reasonably well, not obscure great singers who can act. It's something like "Dancing With the Stars," where they are looking for familiar celebrities who can dance, rather than unknowns who are some of the best dancers around. The quality won't be as good, but the faces will be familiar to the audience and sell tickets.

(And by the way, Johnny Depp does not sing anything in Corpse Bride.)
Yes, all true but as a fan of musicals (Sweeny Todd being my #1 favorite for over 10 years now) it's just something that is unfortunate to see. Yes, the studios want to bring in audience members (which will bring in money) and to do so then you cast well known/popular actors. I still think "Sweeny Todd" will be a good film but it may not be that fantastic musical is could be due to lack luster singing performances (of course I'd love to be proven wrong come December when I'm watching the final product on the big screen).
Would you have prefered Antonio Banderas as the Phantom? After all Michael Crawford (not the toy reviewer) doesn't have the greatest voice and the role was practically written for him.

Any Sondheim musical depends a lot on great singing, but as stated above, the acting is more important and I'm sure Depp can pull it off in that department.
Well at first the original Phantom was going to be played by someone else (his name escapes me at the moment unfortunately). Rehersals were well underway as was much of the music/lyrics for the stage production before Micheal Crawford came on board. Webber heard Crawford rehearsing in the theatre that night (for other productions) and thought Crawford would be the better fit. The role of Christine was specifically written for Webber's wife at the time (Sarah Brightman).

In the end I of course would prefer someone who could both act and sing in musical movie roles. But I also understand that what I prefer isn't going to bring in audience members and so in the end we get well known actors who can act the role very well but have medicore singing skills. Obviously the verdict is still out for Sweeny Todd (not enough of the singing aspect of the film has been released to our ears yet) so hopefully everyone invovled will have above medicore signing abilities.
Oh! I just had a Broadway-gasm. That's right, a Great White Way-gasm.

To prepare for the movie I've been listening to the 2005 revival -- I'm sure it was magic to be in the audience (and the lead was great as Tommy) but the soundtrack and the performances just rub me the wrong way. I'm doing it to stop my brain from expecting George Hern.
I'm guessing this 'video' is an audio recording of a screening of the upcoming film. I must say having now hear Mr. Depp sing more than a sentence I'm quite happy to hear that he does have some singing chops on him. Thank goodness I was oh so wrong in previous posts. *whew*

There's audience noise during the audio but you can still hear the singing pretty well.

Oh and Jamie Campbell Bower has a freaking good voice. Good casting for the part of Anthony as well.

Damn, that audience is loving the "wet sounds" during the song. This is gonna be a fun movie to see with an unsuspecting audience.
The first couple of minutes of the film are now online. The opening song plays over the credits, and they have removed the chorus singing "The Ballad of Sweeney Todd." It's all instrumental now.