Sweeney Todd Trailer

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I enjoy all of his films and he hasn't done anything that isn't at least worth watching once, in my opinion. At his best, he is one of my favorite filmmakers. His work connects with me in a personal way and when that happens with an artist, the opinions of critics are fairly meaningless. But I do recognize some as better than others.

I enjoy all of his films and he hasn't done anything that isn't at least worth watching once, in my opinion. At his best, he is one of my favorite filmmakers. His work connects with me in a personal way and when that happens with an artist, the opinions of critics are fairly meaningless. But I do recognize some as better than others.

That was the first and hardest lesson they taught in film school: to seperate personal experience from critical analysis. It's easy to confuse one's personal reaction (especially to something as personal as watching a film is) with valid critical thinking.

The best demonstration of this are chick films. My buddies in film school would wonder, how can a film we all agree is bad be so widely enjoyed by the women in class? Some of us realized that just because we don't respond to something doesn't mean it's bad. And the rest of us never did.

I kinda link Tim Burton with David Lynch in that they both make ground making films that always seem to just miss the zeitgeist of their audeinces (if you know what I mean).

I enjoy all of his films and he hasn't done anything that isn't at least worth watching once, in my opinion. At his best, he is one of my favorite filmmakers. His work connects with me in a personal way and when that happens with an artist, the opinions of critics are fairly meaningless. But I do recognize some as better than others.

Couldn't have said it better. Fortunately, I have passed on my quirky gene to my children, so they love Burton's films almost as much as I do, especially films like Mars Attacks. One of our favorite lines to quote in the right situations is "Don't run. We are your friends. ZZAAAPPP!" :lol
I am REALLY looking forward to this film. I am a HUGE Burton fan and just absolutely love his style. Some people may refer to it as a goth look...I don't know what the correct term would be....but his films have always been a feast for my eyes. I could go on to try to explain how this is a feast but I would just end up sounding stupid so I won't even attempt....but I LOVE IT!!! And I loved Sleepy Hollow (which this film reminds me a lot of in terms of the cinematography). Added bonus for me is that I totally forgot Alan Rickman was in this - such a great actor...I'm really glad he's in this movie. :rock
The look, story, direction, characters are all set-up wonderfully (or so it seems from the trailer) but I am quite underwhelmed by Johnny Depp's singing. Granted it was just a few seconds so perhaps his singing is going to be good. But if he's going to be singing that weakly and doing more half sing/half talk through all the songs it will be a major downer for this film (it is based on the musical afterall). The role of Sweeny doesn't need someone with a pretty singing voice but it does need passion and power and Depp's voice came across very weak.

I enjoy all of his films and he hasn't done anything that isn't at least worth watching once, in my opinion. At his best, he is one of my favorite filmmakers. His work connects with me in a personal way and when that happens with an artist, the opinions of critics are fairly meaningless. But I do recognize some as better than others.

Same here.... Burton's work always demands my attention. His style is a bit like my own, artistically.... And I've always been a fan. And when he works with Johnny, that always brings out the best in them both. Depp also has that same darkness in his palette, and it comes to the front when Burton directs him. TWO of my favorite artists working on one film?? I will be there, popcorn in hand to soak it in. :rock

And Pee Wee's Big Adventure is a classic.... you really see Burton getting a feel for his style in that film. All the nightmare sequences, Large Marge and the set pieces.... pure Burton. I have always loved that film, best damn thing Paul Ruebens has ever done and the beginning of a fantastic career for Burton.
The brief amount of singing that they put in the trailer was from a moment in the score which is intentionally half sung/half spoken. (Look at Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady, for example). There are other sections that will really test his abilities and vocal range. I think it will be much like Gerard Butler in Phantom of the Opera, in that he will be adequate in his singing, but will not give us anything like a definitive vocal performance. However, I think that much of this kind of singing is acting--especially this particular role--and Depp has the acting ability to pull it off, for sure. He will be one of the best actors ever to play the part, and that skill will "bleed" over into the musical elements and I think he will pull it off. If he does well enough they might even throw an Oscar nomination at him.

Sacha Baron Cohen has a very small part--practically a cameo--but he has to hit some insanely high and sustained notes. I wonder if he's up for it.