T-600 Life-Size Bust

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I think it looks incredible! My terminator collection is steadily growing with my 1:1 Endo, TX, Arnold and now the T600! I will definately be pre-ordering!
Ummm... thats not "Life-Size" or "1/1", this is the size of a normal human skull. The full T-600 prop (from Comic-Con), and its much larger than a "normal" skull...

If its this small, I will pass... :(
Ummm... thats not "Life-Size" or "1/1", this is the size of a normal human skull. The full T-600 prop (from Comic-Con), and its much larger than a "normal" skull...

If its this small, I will pass... :(

How can you tell?
it's the same size as the t-800 endo. (looks like)

Has anything officially said the t-600 is twice the size of a T-800????
Posted on statueforum.
Really undecided now. I hoped, the appearance of the T-600 bust would be closer to the T-800: just a neck and a skull. Now, with the shoulders... I don't know. And I even dare to ask: WHY? Does 'more mass' make people spend more money? Looking at my clean T-800, I doubt it can be topped by a T-600 bust, and certainly not just because it has more "beef". As far as I'm concerned, the T-800 is perfect! I always thought the T-600 looks like a caricature anyway. Not that THAT stops me from buying it, but I doubt a T-600 with more torso goes well with a T-800. Not as good as the TX anyway.

Well I gotta agree T-800 is well done and its the classic. Doesnt detract any from the baddessed-ness of this piece though... and they really have yet to prove themselves in battle but I think the T-600 will win us over on the 21st. :D
it's the same size as the t-800 endo. (looks like)

Has anything officially said the t-600 is twice the size of a T-800????

Well, both the Comic-Con & Oxmox statues are MUCH larger than a "normal" human 7 1/2 - 8ft, and "girthy". Even the behind the scenes footage has him quite large. I would place that head at roughly 1.3 times the size of a normal head (or endo). Heck, even the t-700 is slightly larger. I'm waiting to see the official size listing before throwing a hissy-fit, but if its the same size as the t-800, I will pass and wait for the inevitable TRUE 1/1 from HGC or HCG...