This endo looks great. Every time I see it I feel disappointment in the stupid pose.
yea... one was printed by legacy fx from the film files while the other was sculpted and not even an accurate endo.. much less one from T1. makes sense
I was referring to effort not accuracy. Chronicles may be the more accurate endo but what good is accuracy when it's printed from a printer that cannot handle the intricacies of a complex design?
That's like playing a 4K movie on a tube-TV.
that doesnt look bad from the raw print..
And this proves what? This proves that the printer used to print that sample was the same printer that printed all these orders? Aside from that argument, does it matter if the end product looks like a NECA figure?
Also, what is this talk about "I'll wait for some better in-hand pictures before making a final judgement?" The pictures floating around shows the exact same thing as Chronicle's post-production quality shots. Quit kidding yourselves into thinking it'll magically appear better in person!
i read people call the it "T1 endoskeleton"? why?
it doesn't have at least one detail present that defines T1 endoskeleton. well may be the fingerjoints on hands, i cannot see them clearly. all the rest is T2 (when it is not just a rude mistake).
oh and those neck hoses have 3 mistakes. 3! nobody can hate a terminator skeleton so much.
lol so wait those essentially look the same lol the pistons have the same soft details the heads are printed at about the same quality, same with the chest from the pic. The Tg endo is by far more complex and detailed which when scaled down will look more busy in a sense. The original endo is a more basic design so reads sharper to the eye. Clearly you have zero clue of what you speak of other than to argue lol.
I agree that the finish is a little dull. It needs to be a little shinier, but people have to stop with the chrome already. It did not look chrome in T1. From a practical stand point, why would Skynet chrome their endos? Chrome doesn't add anything to the product except make it look pretty. There would have been no advantage in it, and surely from a logical machine's point of view, it would have ben totally senseless.