Still waiting for my Bill Paxton "Wash Day Tomorrow" PF...
Get on it Sideshow!!!
Skip to exactly 2 minutes in if you don't want to watch the whole thing. Give it a watch and let me know what you think...
My thoughts exactly!
yes. Hes talking out of his butt at least for T1 all the pieces and makeup effects where vac-metalized thats not only stated in The Winston Effect book on page 45,50 as well as other people ive talked to who were involved. Since its such a fragile finish, most the originals where patched with paint and chrome foil by the end of filming, they went ahead and plated them for T2, so if anything its the same guy who did T2. Most of the foam latex props and makeups where still vac-metalized to get the chrome finish. T3 I believe was chrome plated also, T4 was pretty much all digital for the T-800, the T-700 Endos where produced as well as some T-600's and on Genysis the Endos were all painted with Alsa chrome paint and not plated.
Sideshow's lines, edges, and intricacies are clearly better defined and detailed.
I used to think 1:2 was too big but the HCG Endo is glorious.
I agree...except for the teeth which are very underwhelming and not on par with the rest of the statue.
This piece has been pushed out farther into the future and more than likely wouldn't be up for order until 2018 or later now.
From a practical stand point, why would Skynet chrome their endos? Chrome doesn't add anything to the product except make it look pretty.
chrome covers the product with a resistive layer from aggressive environment, and an endoskeleton inside a warm, rubbing living flesh cover, with all blood's salts and biochemical substances, definitely is in an aggressive environment. without chroming it could poison the living tissue within hours i think.