Hi everyone, this is my first post.... Im doing a custom terminator myself (duh, or else I shouldnt post here

). I didnt want to use a sideshow headsculpt, or repaint a hot toys alan dutch head, so I decided to go DIY (mostly because they're too expensive for me). This sculpt is my second attempt at sculpting a human head in 1/6 scale, and my first at trying to make it look like someone who actually exists. (my first custom head was a zombie not based on anyone in particular). So I use this blue oil-based clay that never dries out to sculpt, then when I'm done I just put it in a mold box and pour silicone around it to make a mold. Then I just cut the mold where the back of the head is and pull the entire clay sculpt out (the clay from which is still reusable and soft). Here are some pics of the head at this point (been working on it off and on for a month and a half), so tell me what you guys think!
Here are some pics of the sculpt with my custom (made from scratch) glasses that I made specially to fit this head so far. They're based directly on ones I think he wore in T3...
I have a leather jacket, leather pants, an AR-18 (the gun he used in T1 that looks kinda like an M-16 without a stock), and a good body (bbi G3.5)... Now all I need is to finish the head, get the right shotgun, and find/make a grey shirt...