Terminator Franchise Customs Thread

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Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Yes, I suppose it does. Good bye everybody. Possibly forever. You probably won't be hearing from me for a while. I came here for advice and guidance. And what I got was total mockery. If your definition of awesome is "many people ganging up on one inexperienced sculptor looking for help", then by all means, it is awesome.

chill out man. Were just joking around. People say things like this , its all in good fun. :D Its nothing personal. :)
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Look everybody, that sculpt has been improving over time. Those are the FIRST pics I posted and the sculpt has since changed. Besides, I have never sculpted any likeness of any kind before and I am still in high school. I understand it's not the perfect sculpt, and that at that point it barely showed any semblance to Arnold Schwarzenegger. I never bragged that it was the best, or better than anyone else's, nor did I ever say that I thought I had done a good job. I am just experimenting, trying my hand at something new, so I can have something I can't otherwise afford. I barely scrounged up enough money to pay for a Hot Toys T-700, and I am now pretty much broke. My only option for an Arnold Schwarzenegger T-800 was one that I made myself with limited resources and practically no past experience. I don't expect any of you to compliment me, or even like the sculpt. I just don't want to be mocked about it because I asked for advice.

BTW if any of you have done better, or think they could do better (which is probably most of you), than your advice is welcome.

dude person, please do not be discouraged just because of a few unpleasant comments. it is highly commendable that you're taking up sculpting at such a young age (geez now that makes me sound like a geezer).

your arnold headsculpt may not be at the level it needs to be right now. but any human's features are not exactly easy to capture in such a small scale, let alone a distinctive face like arnold's.

i suggest u try enrolling in a sculpting class at school, if there are any. this sort of art needs a hands-on guidance in person, which u obviously won't get on an internet forum. u need a mentor who will be able to see your sculpt in 3 dimensions and advise u on what needs correcting in relation to each of the dimensions (eg: the width of a jaw, length of a nose, etc)...

i'm by no means an art or sculpting expert but i did attend art & design college so i understand the importance of personal guidance.

if u don't have any access to someone who can guide u, then u'll need to learn it yourself by reading up. there are tonnes of books and sources online that can help. and as the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

good luck, and never let criticisms get u down.

Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Don't give up Dude... and if people make fun, find a snappy comeback for them. If you look further back in this thread I posted a custom that kl241 took the mickey out of regarding his hair (page 102) saying he looked like Joe Piscapo with an 80's mullet... so I found some pics of mullets and started a quick rant about how great they are! There is no point getting upset about people making fun... just join in. Post pics of the head when it all went wrong and, as it comes together again, and have a laugh. After all, what is the point of a hobby if it is not fun?
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

The Dude Person:


Kid - you're all right :)

My only gripe is you aren't out chasing girls, but rather getting into an obsessive hobby :rotfl

As others have said, don't let it get to you. You have to start somewhere.

Not sure what kind of tools you are using to sculpt with, but have a look into some dentistry type ones from ebay to refine the features. If you can't get them, use what may be around you ..toothpicks, pen lids, wire and so on.

This may help as well:


..my only other suggestion is to post your updates in the custom section, so this thread doesn't get too derailed. Best of luck!
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Well the dude dude, what you got to do is get some discipline.

First start your own thread. Then you'll find everyones opinion, who feels they must, give it.

More terminator coming right up folks.
This thread is growing into a place for all customs based on the Terminator Franchise, not just the T-800, so the title has been updated to reflect that and invite people to post their Terminator custom work here.
I think this is a good idea. All the original pages are still here and it will stop people opening new and useless threads regarding other custom figures that were being discussed here anyway !. My fault really for making it so specific in the first place , it was just at a time most people were only making T-800's since there wasn't any Salvation andmost people kept the sideshow T-1o00 and sarah Connor as they originally were anyway.
I see... So anything other than Arnold is just pointless. But I can't post pics of my custom Arnold head here because people don't want to give me advice, and it kinda sucks anyway. So I guess I'm done with this thread... I was looking forward to people seeing pics of my RF, but I don't think anybody will want to.

You seem to be taking things a bit emotionally here where you shouldn't. Post anything custom you want to here, all I was saying is that the way things look around here, there doesn't seem enough to fill a thread about non-T-800 stuff to make it seem wise to have it separated, this thread can work fine to be about everything, it seems to have been serving that purpose already. This section of the forum covers anything robot and and alien, people prefer when the sections have a healthy balance within them, they don't want to see page after page of Terminator threads and miss threads on Transformers or Aliens or Predator, so whenever things can be consolidated for the organizational structure of the boards, it's favorable to the board that it be done. as you can see from the reactions when the other thread started up. People that frequent this site are used to a certain structure of organization.

As for your custom Arnold head, you can post it here, but understand there are some people that will give you sarcastic responses to the work amidst those that may help.

This is why I asked what you're looking to accomplish. Start a thread in customs for your sculpt work, that's the best place you're going to get the kind of feedback you're looking for on that sort of thing and most people posting in that section offer helpful and constructive criticisms that can be of use to you.
You seem to be taking things a bit emotionally here where you shouldn't. Post anything custom you want to here, all I was saying is that the way things look around here, there doesn't seem enough to fill a thread about non-T-800 stuff to make it seem wise to have it separated, this thread can work fine to be about everything, it seems to have been serving that purpose already. This section of the forum covers anything robot and and alien, people prefer when the sections have a healthy balance within them, they don't want to see page after page of Terminator threads and miss threads on Transformers or Aliens or Predator, so whenever things can be consolidated for the organizational structure of the boards, it's favorable to the board that it be done. as you can see from the reactions when the other thread started up. People that frequent this site are used to a certain structure of organization.

As for your custom Arnold head, you can post it here, but understand there are some people that will give you sarcastic responses to the work amidst those that may help.

This is why I asked what you're looking to accomplish. Start a thread in customs for your sculpt work, that's the best place you're going to get the kind of feedback you're looking for on that sort of thing and most people posting in that section offer helpful and constructive criticisms that can be of use to you.

I'm sorry if I am taking things a bit emotionally, I'm pretty sick and shaky and the doctor has me on stereroids, antibiotics, and nebulizer treatments. It's really an exhausting experience that I have seen to make me a little overly emotional about things that aren't personal. I just think that if I post my RF here, after a few more pages of Arnie customs, it will be lost forever to people who weren't there to look at it when it was posted because who's gonna go through all 140-something pages of this thread? Mostly what they'll see is Arnold, so they may assume that there isn't much else here. They'll most likely browse through, clicking on every few pages and skimming them looking at the pics, so they aren't likely to randomly click the page with my RF on it (so my pics would literally have less than a 1% chance of being seen). I just think this thread is getting too long for something insignificant like that to be found...That's why I tried to start that other thread... But you have a point... It's better to consolidate... Sorry if I sorta made a scene here...
I'm sorry if I am taking things a bit emotionally, I'm pretty sick and shaky and the doctor has me on stereroids, antibiotics, and nebulizer treatments. It's really an exhausting experience that I have seen to make me a little overly emotional about things that aren't personal. I just think that if I post my RF here, after a few more pages of Arnie customs, it will be lost forever to people who weren't there to look at it when it was posted because who's gonna go through all 140-something pages of this thread? Mostly what they'll see is Arnold, so they may assume that there isn't much else here. They'll most likely browse through, clicking on every few pages and skimming them looking at the pics, so they aren't likely to randomly click the page with my RF on it (so my pics would literally have less than a 1% chance of being seen). I just think this thread is getting too long for something insignificant like that to be found...That's why I tried to start that other thread... But you have a point... It's better to consolidate... Sorry if I sorta made a scene here...

It's all good, and really, the people commenting recently are trying to help you best meet your goals.

From what you're saying, I would suggest starting a thread for your custom work in the customs section, that's the best way to guarantee that your efforts won't be lost amidst things. Threads in sections like this one can really get rolling and if you're really keen on having something noticed, it's not the best place. Someone asked in a Joker thread yesterday to see a picture of something, I posted it, within a short time the thread was already flooded with other comments and the person didn't see my post and asked again. Things can easily be lost in the general area of the site, the more niche one like Customs and Art get more focused attention.

A personal thread dedicated to just your work will really get the end result it seems you're after, go start one over there, post your stuff and I'm sure you'll be pleased with how it pays off for you.
It's all good, and really, the people commenting recently are trying to help you best meet your goals.

From what you're saying, I would suggest starting a thread for your custom work in the customs section, that's the best way to guarantee that your efforts won't be lost amidst things. Threads in sections like this one can really get rolling and if you're really keen on having something noticed, it's not the best place.

This thread is as much about getting answers on parts for making your customs as showing it off, there's a lot discussing here and any thread in this section will likely start that up. A personal thread dedicated to just your work will really get the end result it seems you're after, go start one over there, post your stuff and I'm sure you'll be pleased with how it pays off for you.

I suppose your right... Still what I really wanted was to see people's customs that are not based on Arnie, but those will be hard to find here, and if I start a thread for my own personal work, it would be pretty short... LOL

I just don't know what to do now... I'll figure out something I suppose... Thanks for your time and interest in helping me.
It's no problem, and I support you, and you may be surprised to find non-Arnie stuff come here now that it's promoted as more than just about him, but given all the years this site's been around it seems like everyone customizing Terminator stuff has done so here and probably aren't doing much non-Arnie stuff. I really don't think I've ever seen anything more than a repaint of the T-1000, a few people years ago when it first came out turned him into a Biker version, but there was a special set they were using and it was limited, so most discussion about that died off. It's mainly active customs that are going on which is mostly Arnie stuff, especially T1 since there (for now) aren't any manufactured figures with his proper portrait so it's all customs. With T:S, Hot Toys is doing a good job of offering up the characters people could want so there's probably less draw to the customs from that too.

Give it time though, open your own thread to help you expand your skills in customizing and sculpting and see where this one goes for the rest.

I suppose your right... Still what I really wanted was to see people's customs that are not based on Arnie, but those will be hard to find here, and if I start a thread for my own personal work, it would be pretty short... LOL

I just don't know what to do now... I'll figure out something I suppose... Thanks for your time and interest in helping me.

Your own thread can contain other people's work if you let others know. If you look at the "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" thread in customs it contains many works from many sculpters.
Here is how far I got with my T800. Then I started reading about a possible Hot Toys one in the near future. The clothing is just to see how the body padding looks. It is on hold for now. If the rumour of a Hot Toys one doesn't come true I'll then get the right clothing and continue.

Yeah, I've been hunting new leather gear and snapped part of the TT leg on my T-800 custom recently, but with the HT announcement, I don't feel like putting any money into it until we see where things go.
Now everyone can see a glimpse of my resistance fighter in my sig... I think
eventually I will post more pics of him in the customs section...

P.S. Almost none of him is actually made by me... for now he is just pieced together without modification to the individual pieces, except for his red armband I made myself. I will eventually make a custom headsculpt after I'm done with Arnie (who is much improved, while still not great)... I would like to know if anyone has any interest in seeing more of the RF or the former Amateur Arnie Abomination... If anyone is interested, I'll find time to take more pics when I can...
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Yeah, I've been hunting new leather gear and snapped part of the TT leg on my T-800 custom recently, but with the HT announcement, I don't feel like putting any money into it until we see where things go.

I feel the same but, mines almost finshed so I may aswell seeing as I have the leather gear.
Here is how far I got with my T800. Then I started reading about a possible Hot Toys one in the near future. The clothing is just to see how the body padding looks. It is on hold for now. If the rumour of a Hot Toys one doesn't come true I'll then get the right clothing and continue.


Nicely done... he looks great so far. Still not 100% on the sculpt, but its all coming together nicely.