i remember those days, i feel 4 you man.
but id still like to see yours.

i made 4 quick ones that are alright but im definately searching for better gear and guns, Harnesses are what i need most. so when their done ill post
Thanks! I ended up getting the paper done. It was supposed to be 500-1000 words long, or 3-5 full pages. It ended up being 5 pages (shoretened version, had to cut out a bunch of stuff... Hopefully my paper won't lose points for being about 1,800 words long... Oh well guess I'll find out tomorrow morning!
I think I've got the RF down to a basic formula: kinda tough looking head sculpt with short hair, mostly dark clothes with no bright colors and maybe some black or brown leather stuff, some kind of coat or jacket usually, a gun like an M-16 (duh), some useful combat gear (ie harnesses, bandoliers, bullet proof or tactical vests, pistol holsters, ammo pouches, etc) and the all-important red armband. I saw some that were bright red on osd, think they should probably be dark/ blood red... That's how I make mine...
Once again, mine are currently only kitbashes with limited stuff, I haven't bought anything for them... Probably should at some point...A lot of the stuff I have is from buying things individually on eBay or onesixthdepot (not exactly satisfied with the stuff they have to offer) or from a bunch of power team elite or whatever SWAT team guys I got for super cheap ($8 a figure with blue jumpsuit, one piece cast rubber tactical vest, leg holster/ leg harness, colt m1911 with tactical light, and a main weapon, along with several gas grenades and a walkie talkie)...
Anyone reccomend getting any specific thing that's particularly handy for making RF's?