To be fair, Nolan didn't want the necksnapping ending. That was all Snyder and Goyer. His entire contribution was a story outline, that was about it. Goyer's the one you should really blame.
To all the people complaining about Nolan: after seeing Interstellar recently and rewatching The Dark Knight, I've had to revise my opinion of him. I used to be quite negative about the man (probably because 'hurr not muh batman durr'), but as mainstream Hollywood films have become more and more bloated, excessive, CG-heavy, plotless, witless extended videogame cutscenes, I have to give respect to a man who at least tries to tackle big ideas and meaningful themes in his films, with a relentless devotion to practical effects (all the spaceships in Interstellar were models on six-axis gimbals filmed against 4k rear-projected star fields, they only used CGI for the black hole) and the ability to lock a camera down for the duration of a scene, who can still use locations, sets, props, lighting and other real, existing things to create scenes that look like moving works of art tonally and compositionally.
Honestly, thank god for Christopher Nolan. Even if his films aren't perfect, there's still the beating heart of an artist behind them.