The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
the end credits rolled up and it was playing that awful hip hop music
That's something a bad 90's movie would do. Now I can't wait to see this mess
the end credits rolled up and it was playing that awful hip hop music
Watched it today. I thoroughly enjoyed it, not great but It was certainly entertaining. The future war scenes were awesome.
My nephews and nieces prefer PT over OT.
They say say that the OT are boring with horrible effects.
Humanity is now ready for the arrival of the big asteroid.
Should I be ashamed for LOVING THIS!25 June 2015 | by Edward Kenway – See all my reviews
I am a massive Terminator 1 and 2 fan, I disliked 3 and 4 a lot and I really thought this would be terrible as well!
However I turned out to be wrong! Dead Wrong!
This film has the best Arnold character of them all! He is the most 'human' towards Sarah and I really loved that connection, I can see many people liking it also. It was reminiscent of John Connor and Arnold from T2 which I just saw today... I remember seeing the first trailer and having many problems. I thought the story line was too complicated and wasn't respectful of the older films and I thought the visuals were bad.
I was wrong in both cases. The story pays massive respect to James Camerons first two classics! And it wasn't complicated for me. It was a fun story and kept my eyes on the screen. Also the visuals... wow the visuals... I know people said that we will never be shocked again by visuals like we were in T2 and the first Jurassic Park! But the young T800 looks too good to ignore. Wow! The best animation I've ever seen, I can't see the difference between him and the real one.
This is a fun, humorous, emotional action flick that shouldn't be ignored! I loved it! And you know what, I'm not ashamed! Alan Taylor deserves praise!
P.S. I love the soundtrack, I hand it to Lorne Balfe who I know makes great soundtracks from Assassins creed!
I'm afraid of seeing it, liking it, then knowing I'm a plebeian, popcorn munching, flipper slapping seal.
It's bad enough Khev is one now, but me too! Oh hell to the no, I'm skipping this one.
Be honest, did you really think that even with me saying I liked it that DiFabio would come in here and start singing its praises? Come on now.
Everything he sees these days is "worse than Attack of the Clones."
Less than two days and I'll see it undubed, for the full retarded experience.
Well, we have a potentially interesting experiment. He saw it having not read your reaction posts (I think), whereas I will be seeing it with the various things you said borne in mind. It was too late for Terminator 3, nothing you said was likely to unseat my long-held thoughts about the awfulness of that film, they're dug in like an Alabama tick. But this, now we'll see. Yours are thoughts I was not likely to formulate on my own while watching the film with my face buried in sweaty palms and recoiling in disgust at every attempt at humour.
It was more the audience I was with. They were clapping, wooing and being vocal at what I personally thought were the dumbest parts of the movie.
I'm not saying that people that like it are seals, just that it seems like this had a certain audience in mind when they were making it.
Get off my lawn, seal.
for the full retarded experience.
For whatever it's worth I thought Genisys was far better than T3 but yes, I am curious as to how it'll "play" for you knowing both my and DiFabio's takes on it. And for the record since he didn't respond to my post yes I was joking about him thinking everything is worse than AOTC. Obviously we see eye to eye on Fury Road and last year I seem to remember us being in agreement on TWS, Boyhood, and Birdman.
But he likes The Lost World and I think it's an utterly awful sequel and now it appears that Genisys is his "Lost World" in that he can't forget it fast enough.