I did not like Avatar... When I saw it in 3D I would have given it 3 out of 5 because the 3D gimmick was amazing. But watching the film again... Blah... I tend to not the directing was all that special. Other films have made far more exciting and well paced films.. I had not a single care for any of the characters in the film... The EVIL cooperation and Military is getting stale and old... It just did nothing for me...
I have watched T3 and TS several times since its release. I have watched Avatar once since it's release.. My wife got me the Extended edition on Blu ray and I hav yet to watch that... I just don't care enough about anything in that story. Sure it's got some Nice CGI but that is about it.
In all honesty I am not that big a Cameron fan... I think he is good at spending money and is on the edge of FX tech... But his directing is nothing special to me.. True Lies, Avatar, even T2... Non of them have stand out action moments IMO... Usually there is just some new cutting edge FX or something pretty to look at (Liquid Metal, Motion Capture, Jami Lee Curtis' Legs

). I think Cameron is at his best when he has less money (T1 and Aliens) and he is forced to use his imagination to make a scene exciting and not rely on CGI, 3D, or pretty explosions.. I do Like the Abyss also but find it flawed. I think much of the excitement that came from that film is knowing that he actually almost killed his actors.
I am not what you might call a Cameron hater either.. I don't care who makes the film as long as I like it and Cameron has made 2 of my all time fav film.. So he will always have my respect.. But I think his post Aliens films have all been disappointments.. To me anyways. It's cool if you like them.