Went and saw this tonight and, perhaps due to the crappy trailers, I went in with low expectations and came out pleasantly surprised.
Good stuff:
The movie had more to it than even the most revealing trailer showed. Thank goodness. I particularly enjoyed that they took the timeline paradoxes we've all noticed through the years and put them front and center in the story. Time travel was a major plot point here. On that level, it almost felt deeper than the other films. *ducks flames*
Hey, if every event in the classic Terminator storyline (the T-800 being sent back to kill Sarah, Reese being sent back to protect -- and conceive John) depends on the other and results in an inevitable circle, you have to change something to keep the franchise going. I'm glad they managed to do so in a way that didn't necessarily negate the previous films. Fans will be pissed no matter what, but given how they still used the 'rules' of this universe to justify the events, it could've been worse. Also I really bought Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor. Good choice.
Bad stuff:
Effects were average at best. Jai Courtney was still incredibly bland. I didn't want to punch him; he was just generic as hell. Typical, beefed-up, stoic Hollywood action dude. Michael Beihn had more character in his physique, let alone his acting ability. As for Matt Smith... he wasn't terrible, but why was he even in this movie?

Helena Bonham Carter played a more compelling, intimidating computer system than this dude. Just seemed like an odd choice.
Arnold pretty much played a caricature of himself. T'was fun. Bittersweet, but fun. I liked his character. It's not like the originals (especially T2) were devoid of cheese factor.
And why were Pops' clothes and skin still intact after that helicopter dive? Dude should've been a full-on Endo at that point. Filing this under "Undecided" only because I don't know if I care enough to really let
this of all things mess with my enjoyment of the film.
Not bad. Could've been a hell of a lot worse, I'll say it again. It was a better, more thought-out ride than T3 with some interesting and comparatively complex ideas. I just can't imagine how they'll do two more of these. Seems like the series is pretty much done unless someone wants to give the future war idea another shot.
6/10 - Average, but leagues higher than I thought I'd score this.