Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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Man, that episode was like watching the first one all over again

This show blows
Man, that episode was like watching the first one all over again

This show blows

This from World War Hulks biggest fan ... Hulk: "yeah, I fought for 4 months and didn't accomplish anything .... now tazer me and lets pretend none of this ever happened. How do you think I would look in red, hmm ... ?"

World War Hulk blew. SCC is decent with the potential to be great.

Sorry, off topic, but I couldn't resist ---> :monkey3

Evil, give Shai a week on the schedule too. With the Fall season confirmed now, you all will be busy with all the new shows you won't be watching. Spread the work load around.
Is it time of my weekly update yet, or am I early?

Normally, it would be your turn. But, Shai posted on consecutive days so you fall to the back of the rotation. A little better organization and you all will NOT be watching efficiently ... and efficiency will lead to even more time NOT to watch other shows. Hell, with the proper focus and motivation, you all may never have to watch another show again ... ah, to dream I suppose ... :monkey3
Okay, I will drop in next week for my update. I think its Evils turn, right?

Maybe. Both don't forget, Evil has to stop by and remind everyone in the Star Wars forums how he won't be buying any Star Wars figures due to the Buck body and the horrible likenesses. So, you might have to fill in for him. I hear it's rather tough to NOT do so much when you have multiple interests ---> :monkey3 j/k
Good deal, I was unaware of Evils prior Star Wars engagements.

I will diligently work to bring weekly updates to this thread!

You can count on me:rock
just watched it in french...that show still blows.:monkey1

Woah ... River Tam with a French accent?!? How many times did you masturbate? Be honest. Also, um ... where did you find it in French ... you know, for "review" purposes of course ... wait, never mind. DAMN this carpal tunnel! ---> :lol
Lol, Duggy keeps track of everyone on here. What a life!!!

And it is Kings turn!!!!!!!!

Oh, and the buck body doesn't bother me.

I think it IS King's turn to not watch with the evergrowing rest of us and bash it deservedly. But because you are not watching it King, could you please throw in a few jabs at how utterly annoying Lena Heady is...

And how her Brit accent leaks into her dialogue in key scenes? Making her all the more intolerable? Please, I'd appreciate it Bro.

King, check your local listings to determine when to troll on a timely basis.

EF, you're up next as I recall....
I'm on the job P!!!!

This from World War Hulks biggest fan ... Hulk: "yeah, I fought for 4 months and didn't accomplish anything .... now tazer me and lets pretend none of this ever happened. How do you think I would look in red, hmm ... ?"

World War Hulk blew. SCC is decent with the potential to be great.

Sorry, off topic, but I couldn't resist ---> :monkey3

Evil, give Shai a week on the schedule too. With the Fall season confirmed now, you all will be busy with all the new shows you won't be watching. Spread the work load around.

Come on DM, I have been defending this show.

But don't go at Shai like this.
You wouldn't like Shai when he was angry......

You are going to bring out the Hulk in full Kurgan armor.
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Have to admit, today was a better episode than the previous ones. I still think the writing is a bit hack... but overall a good one and I found myself groaning a lot less. And, lord help me the guy from 90210 was pretty good.

Next week looks to have some Future Wars stuff, so that's always a plus.
I just woke up, at first I thought, "OH CRAP, I missed TSCC!?!?!".

Then I came to my senses and thought, "oh, wait, thank God I missed TSCC!!".

Just a few observations on previous episodes.

1:Lena Heady is utterly annoying.

2:Her Brit accent leaks into her dialogue in key scenes? Making her all the more intolerable!!

(there ya go P:))


3:This show just plain blows!!!


And stayed tuned kids!! Next week on another stirring review of The Sarah Connor Craptacular Chronicles, Evil Face makes a bold return!!!

Same crap time!

Same crap channel!
