Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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I have chosen to pass on this show all together. I gave it one last chance and it does nothing but annoy me.

Bye Bye Sarah Connor Craptacular-Chronicles :wave

Why not just quote this post every week King. That way you get your weekly updates in, and you waste less time typing. With all that time, you can NOT watch another show of your choice and post to the forums about it as well. It's win-win man ... :rolleyes:
This show was so bad, I completely forgot about it after the first awful episode :monkey4

Yeah. You and King should definitely coordinate - maybe alternate weeks of not watching and posting? Keep up the quality work.
And then Douglas defending away, an army of one against the onslaught of this shows mediocrity :lol

Actually, I am not defending anything. Haven't had time to watch episode 4 so I have nothing new to add. Both Evil and King make a habit of "quiting" the show ... coming on here to post silly nonsense about how they won't be watching it anymore. What does that bring to the discussion? It's there right to post worthless tripe, but the duel edge is it's my right to mock them for it. I can respect the opinion of someone who watched the first 4 episodes and decided they didn't like it. If you gave it a fair shot and decided against it, more power to you. If everyone liked the same thing, we would be robots ourselves. But, come on ... do you actual think they gave it a shot? Read some of the "reviews". They went into the first episode wanting to hate the show ... and wow, they did. What a coincidence. :rolleyes: Once again, that's their right. But, why waste time coming here twice a week to remind us of that fact. There are plenty of other threads/sections to visit. Hell, spend your time discussing something you actually enjoy.
Yeah. You and King should definitely coordinate - maybe alternate weeks of not watching and posting? Keep up the quality work.

Yea so?

When some of the regulars here post up that the show has turned around and is the greatest thing on tv, I'll give it another chance. So far, that hasn't happened.

Right. So who is it? Maybe I misunderstood your post. Am I the "troll" or someone else. I won't try to convince you it's the best thing on right now. For me, that's Lost. I won't even try to convince you that it's the best new show - that goes to Pushing Daisies. But, I have enjoyed what I have seen so far. If that makes me a troll, then someone find me a bridge.
Right. So who is it? Maybe I misunderstood your post. Am I the "troll" or someone else. I won't try to convince you it's the best thing on right now. For me, that's Lost. I won't even try to convince you that it's the best new show - that goes to Pushing Daisies. But, I have enjoyed what I have seen so far. If that makes me a troll, then someone find me a bridge.

You, sir, are no troll. The trolls are trying to bait you.
Right. So who is it? Maybe I misunderstood your post. Am I the "troll" or someone else. I won't try to convince you it's the best thing on right now. For me, that's Lost. I won't even try to convince you that it's the best new show - that goes to Pushing Daisies. But, I have enjoyed what I have seen so far. If that makes me a troll, then someone find me a bridge.
i think he is refering to your 2 antifans as trolls. trolls are people who pop into a thread about something they dont like or care about just to throw out 2 cents and then leave.
Yea so?

When some of the regulars here post up that the show has turned around and is the greatest thing on tv, I'll give it another chance. So far, that hasn't happened.


So Evil Face, you want next week or should I take it:lol
:lol I'll let you take first shift!

I posted a single comment, the first since the show started, yet I'm called out as a troll.
So Evil Face, you want next week or should I take it:lol
:lol I'll let you take first shift!

DouglasMcc, this is all I was talking about. Trolls being trolls. Just like, as an example, if there was a thread about how great Highlander was and people with taste started pointing out how out-dated and lame it is and how Kurgan is a bald headed Janet Reno who sits down to pee. :lol

Just as an example. :monkey3
I have chosen to pass on this show all together. I gave it one last chance and it does nothing but annoy me.

Bye Bye Sarah Connor Craptacular-Chronicles
Come on, is it that bad?
Besides, it is free.
It is not like you are paying to see this.
I record it and watch it when I get around to it.
At least they are trying to make it slightly realistic with multiple Terminators in the timeline at once, instead of just sending one lone Terminator to kill John and Sarah.
Plus Summer Glau is worth watching and the new Sarah is hotter than Linda Carter.

I think it is worth watching.
I think it is better than Terminator 3 at least.

There is talk of a Terminator 4 with McG directing it and he wants the older brother from Goonies to be the Terminator.:confused::confused:
Come on, is it that bad?
Besides, it is free.
It is not like you are paying to see this.
I record it and watch it when I get around to it.
At least they are trying to make it slightly realistic with multiple Terminators in the timeline at once, instead of just sending one lone Terminator to kill John and Sarah.
Plus Summer Glau is worth watching and the new Sarah is hotter than Linda Carter.

I think it is worth watching.
I think it is better than Terminator 3 at least.

There is talk of a Terminator 4 with McG directing it and he wants the older brother from Goonies to be the Terminator.:confused::confused:
plus this is supposed to be the REAL lead in to the next terminator movie. so if you wanna see that you HAVE to watch this show. ya hear me? HAVE to.