Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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I just woke up, at first I thought, "OH CRAP, I missed TSCC!?!?!".

Then I came to my senses and thought, "oh, wait, thank God I missed TSCC!!".

Just a few observations on previous episodes.

1:Lena Heady is utterly annoying.

2:Her Brit accent leaks into her dialogue in key scenes? Making her all the more intolerable!!

(there ya go P:))


3:This show just plain blows!!!


And stayed tuned kids!! Next week on another stirring review of The Sarah Connor Craptacular Chronicles, Evil Face makes a bold return!!!

Same crap time!

Same crap channel!



Guest starring Brian Austen Greene?

Are you kidding me? :lol

Where did they dig him up? Selling Men's clothes on Rodeo Drive? :lol

Was he # 20 or #25 on the list? Geez, this is really shaping up to be the Next "24".

Anyway thanks for the insightful review King.

You ARE the King for a reason. :D
well i'm still enjoying watching the show for what it is. not perfect but Terminator has never been that.

i do wish they would not have brought on the 90210 manchild though. oh for those that didn't watch.....he is John's uncle, Reese's brother. :google
The second half really worked tonight. And the girl from Firefly (girl, she's probably 30 now) was great in the school scene.

First half was a bit slow. Reminded me of the frist season of Smallville or a Buffy episode taking itself seriously and without Joss Whedon. The show seems to be struggling to find itself. But that's not unusual for a new show.

Brit's putting on an American accent usually bothers me -- House, for instance, drives me batty -- but I haven't heard any of this new Sarah Connor's English coming through. Penny from Lost had a bit of English in her tonight though.

I was excited to see that Garret Dillahunt joined the cast as the Terminator that's chasing them. He was a fantastic sociopath in Deadwood and played Jesus in that Book of Daniel show that the Evangelicals got pulled from the air.
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1:Lena Heady is utterly annoying.

2:Her Brit accent leaks into her dialogue in key scenes? Making her all the more intolerable!!

(there ya go P:))


3:This show just plain blows!!!


I will still take Lena over any pretentious female lead in a Highlander film ... Kurgan included ... :monkey3

Plus, with average viewership at 12 million a week (true inflated somewhat by the amazing premiere, but still holding at 8 million a week a month later), I feel safe in saying King and Krew will get at least one more season to ***** and moan about all the episodes they are NOT watching.

P.S. I will actually agree with the Kurgan Kriers. Last weeks episode was the weakest of the bunch. But, this week was back on track, and the potential for Future War content next week looks great. Let the good times roll.

P.S.S. 8 million viewers a week. That's like 7,990,000 more people than the Krew that petitioned Sideshow for a Medieval Kurgan figure. Yeah, I'll stick with my demographic ----> Connor Crazies > Kurgan Kurmudgeons .:monkey3 j/k

Evil, just to be safe, this links for you: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Curmudgeons
Last nights episode was pretty good. When I first saw Brian Austin Green I thought "oh no", but he was actually good for the part and did a nice job. I'd have to rate last night episode one of the 2 best so far and it was very solid.
I agree that this was a better episode, once they left the school. Those scenes just seem like filler to me. I think the FBI agent is one of my favorite characters and really stands out from the rest of the cast.

And bring on Future War next week! :rock
I find it wildly amusing anytime some feels the need to take a shot at me it includes comments towards the Kurgan:lol

Regardless the topic at hand, it always boils down to Kurgan comments:rolleyes:
(checking to see flame retardant suit is on)

Well...I like it. Beats the hell out of another psuedo-reality gameshow crap fest that will probably be in it's place before too long...

Why the hate towards Headly? I think she's quite good...and is slowly making the role her own...and I'm really enjoying Ms. Glau's "Cameron". Last week's episode was the first one where the kid playing JC wasn't just an annoying fifth wheel...

The only part about the show that seems kinda forced and unnecessary is the whole FBI-agent one-step-behind-ala-"Fugitive" thing.

Is it a perfect show...hell no...but I'll keep watchin'. Some shows take a while to really kick into gear and this one's doin' okay so far...
Yeah, for some reason Highlander always becomes a target if someone disagrees with us? And whats funny is Highlander (the first movie) is really a hell of a lot better than this.

The TV shows are probably about equal :lol
I find it wildly amusing anytime some feels the need to take a shot at me it includes comments towards the Kurgan:lol

Regardless the topic at hand, it always boils down to Kurgan comments:rolleyes:

You gotta realize that Kurgan is such an easy target. It's kinda like going around draped in Linus' security blanket. Most people have outgrown Highlander. The first movie is about on par with the Sarah Connor Chronicles and everything that came after is closer to Battlefield Earth territory. And you know what, that's okay. You guys wanna like something I think is crap, that doesn't bother me, I'm not threatened. I'm not about to tell you you're wrong to do so. So it's a valid point that your knocking this show is a lot like others knocking Highlander. Difference is, we usually don't. Out of respect. You've made it known that you're disappointed in the show, that's fine. But now, here you are, not having even watched this week, but does that stop you from coming in here and trying to piss off people in this thread who do like this show? No, because that's all you're trying to do now. Just take part is some flame war. When did you turn into Collector Freak?
Yeah, for some reason Highlander always becomes a target if someone disagrees with us? And whats funny is Highlander (the first movie) is really a hell of a lot better than this.

The TV shows are probably about equal :lol

No the irony is that I was one of those 10 people calling for a Medieval Kurgan. I like to personalize my jokes/taunting so I went with the obvious. King, if you don't want anyone to poke fun at Highlander when they refer to you, might want to change the avatar. Heck, maybe just a new Kurgan pic. I'll take Terminator SCC over all but the first Highlander film. Still, I own all of the Sideshow figures, all versions of the movies, and all the seasons of the show (except for that putrid Raven spinoff). I love Highlander ... but, and this will piss more people off than my enjoyment of SCC, I like the Highlander TV show as a whole a lot more than the movies as a whole .... dum, dum, dum. First movie was good, but the rest were weak. The TV show introduced a lot of cool concepts (what happens when an immortal "dies" and is reborn as a kid, the Watchers, etc.) But, back on topic before EF scolds me. The only reason I can see someone "hating" the show is if they expected it to be as good as, or better than T2. It never had a chance at that goal. It's decent right now, and has the chance to be great. Very similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer - first season had cool elements but really dragged til the Prom at the Season Finale. Then, season 2 started amazing and never let up. SSC is very similar. I wouldn't put it in my top 10 of all time ... Hell, it's probably not in my top 100. But, I see the possibilities. Could it flop, sure. But, I am encouraged by what I have seen so far.
You gotta realize that Kurgan is such an easy target. It's kinda like going around draped in Linus' security blanket. Most people have outgrown Highlander.

Hold on a sec. I don't want to get caught up in this, but come on! Most people have outgrown a story about immortals cutting each other's heads off, but not one about a killer, musclebound robot from the future? :lol
Hold on a sec. I don't want to get caught up in this, but come on! Most people have outgrown a story about immortals cutting each other's heads off, but not one about a killer, musclebound robot from the future? :lol

Point, counterpoint :lol

The first Highlander is still a kickass movie... some elements are a bit dated (I'll admit it) but its a great movie. And who could not like the Kurgan, he's badass incarnate?!?

You put the Kurgan in SCC... I guarantee you a winner :lecture
Hold on a sec. I don't want to get caught up in this, but come on! Most people have outgrown a story about immortals cutting each other's heads off, but not one about a killer, musclebound robot from the future? :lol

It's not the story that they've outgrown, it's the cheesy film from the 80s with the lame acting and horrid effects. And yeah, a lot of people have outgrown the first Terminator films as well. That's why the TV show is so radically different, to appeal to a new audience because the few who still love the first Terminator films wouldn't be enough to justify the show's cost.
You've made it known that you're disappointed in the show, that's fine. But now, here you are, not having even watched this week, but does that stop you from coming in here and trying to piss off people in this thread who do like this show? No, because that's all you're trying to do now. Just take part is some flame war. When did you turn into Collector Freak?

If I am pissing anyone off they are not to familiar with me on the board.

I have made it a point to come to this thread for the sole purpose of having some fun with Douglas. He takes his shots and I take mine.

As far as coming here to piss people of you have totally missed the point of my posts. Which in fact have come to mean nothing about the show, but to have some fun with Douglas. And you can see that no one else posts back and forth as much as me and the D man.

If anyone is getting genuinely upset take a step back.

To tell you the truth I didnt think anyone else was even reading my posts beside Douglas, who they are meant for in the 1st place.

There is no trolling going on here, its simply me ribbing Douglas and him ribbing me back. Simple as that. No trolling. No flame waring.

I think Douglas understands that, maybe you misinterpreted my posts.