Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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Alright, if the time bubble cleaned up the gun, Terminator and time machine, I can buy that. I would have liked the characters to have shown some concern and talk it through, but I can buy that reasoning.

About the gun gag, I loved it being hidden in the thigh, but it was a punchline without a setup. There was no need for it. And if it's going to be metal hidden in flesh, why not make it a future gun that's gone through the time bubble? The scene felt like a compromise of people in a room that can't see the big picture. Like it was supposed to be a future gun and then for some reason, they decided it couldn't be the future gun so someone observed, "We don't need the thigh gag anymore," and someone else said, "No I like the thigh gag. Keep it."
Not sure why there's so much talk about the thigh gun gag.

Isn't it clear from the first Terminator movie that only flesh can make it through the time portal? They even say that. However, metal covered in flesh can be transported, otherwise we'd never have the T1 go through. Therefore, he had to hide the gun in his thigh to jump.

The fact that it was an "old gun" probably has more to do with budget than logic.
i think he put the gun in his thigh months ago and the flesh healed over it. he probably put it there so he can blend into society without carrying a concealed weapon under his clothes or what not which would seem kinda suspicious for a teacher.
well I think the show is ok. Its no T2 but HEY! lets face it is television.
I am suprised is actually produced by Mario Kazar and C2 pictures(people resposible for all the Terminator movies).

Hey atleast we get to see some endoskelletons in action !!
I dont dig the chick terminator as the protector.
Thigh gun thingy reminded me of robocop, but I liked it. Hope the second episode is as good as the first; looking forward to it
the second episode has ended and I have to say this show is getting more interesting.
The next episode will show a endoskelleton walking arround a hospital killing people.
Now !! thats what I talking about !!
not saying is Amazing but entertaning !!
This might actually be better the T3.
looking forward to next weeks episode
I just watched the 1st episode and it wasn't too bad. The girl doesn't seem like a terminator at all and I'm not sure if thats good or bad. There were some werid/dumb points (that everyone has mentioned) but I am excited to see #2 tonight.
This show will need more than just Endos stalking around in each episode. I'm hoping for an array of different killer cyborgs and machines as the show evolves.
I thought it was funny that the Terminator was so focused on his mission that when John escaped out the window, he stopped chasing him so he could turn back to the class and deliver a bad joke while his prey was running away.


I also didn't buy that he would allow Sarah to live after getting his hands around her throat and making that phone call to John. That isn't how they have behaved in the films.
I thought it was funny that the Terminator was so focused on his mission that when John escaped out the window, he stopped chasing him so he could turn back to the class and deliver a bad joke while his prey was running away.


I also didn't buy that he would allow Sarah to live after getting his hands around her throat and making that phone call to John. That isn't how they have behaved in the films.

i think they all have learned from the past terminators and reason things out more, like on the show tonight when the terminator reasoned to flee. that's my rationalization on it. :D
I just got finished watching the second episode and it was an improvement over the pilot. It still had a few goofy moments (like the headless endo busting out of the trash heap because his head was nearby).

I really liked how the episode ended. I believe they've added a dramatic element to Sarah that makes her even more interesting.
2nd episode and still decent... not the greatest show ever but certainly watchable. I liked how the head made it to the future... but confused as to why no one noticed the rest of the endoskeleton, but again as long as you don't think about it the show is enjoyable.
I watched the pilot episode tonight, but not the second one yet. I thought it was decent. Not Lost or 24 good/addictive, but definately watchable. I don't know if this has been brought up, but I kinda like how they are avoiding T3 all together. To me it makes T3 better. The whole Terminator universe is about changing the future, by the TV series taking palce, they stop/alterted/delayed the events in T3. Its like T3 is now a "what could have been" film. So I think that is actually an interesting twist.

But one thing I always wondered, why don't they just keep sending the Terminators back to when Sarah as pregnant or even when she was a child? Seems like after the first Terminator was destroyed would have been a good time to send a second one back to finish the weakened Sarah off. :rolleyes:
I watched the pilot episode tonight, but not the second one yet. I thought it was decent. Not Lost or 24 good/addictive, but definately watchable. I don't know if this has been brought up, but I kinda like how they are avoiding T3 all together. To me it makes T3 better. The whole Terminator universe is about changing the future, by the TV series taking palce, they stop/alterted/delayed the events in T3. Its like T3 is now a "what could have been" film. So I think that is actually an interesting twist.

But one thing I always wondered, why don't they just keep sending the Terminators back to when Sarah as pregnant or even when she was a child? Seems like after the first Terminator was destroyed would have been a good time to send a second one back to finish the weakened Sarah off. :rolleyes:

I was thinking that maybe there are a limited amount of times you can send something back, which they could probably explain; or something like that. That's the paradoxes with time travel shows, usually always plot holes that could be found if you really look for them. I for one loved T3, which I know a lot of people didn't. I liked how in the second episode, the terminator brought them in the future to avoid her dying of cancer (which did happen in T3).

I really hope as well that a different terminator isn't stalking them everyweek. that would get repitively old extremely fast. have different types of killing machines after them, or maybe some episodes none at all.
I thought it was funny that the Terminator was so focused on his mission that when John escaped out the window, he stopped chasing him so he could turn back to the class and deliver a bad joke while his prey was running away.


I also didn't buy that he would allow Sarah to live after getting his hands around her throat and making that phone call to John. That isn't how they have behaved in the films.

good points!
The Chet Endo was smart hanging around the homeless... maybe that way no one would notice how stinky his rotting flesh mask will get :eek: