The 3A Thread

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Finger number 3 had just arrived at home. Look forward to un-boxing later.
Yeah I'm probably going to paint up one red for the Zomb Garage and leave the old and dirty raw metal looking one for F-LEGION. I like it better than the bat… which unfortunately much like the figure as a whole… as it is I'm rather disappointed with it.

3AA 2012 F-LEGION by dangercorpse, on Flickr
He looks great all cleaned up!
I too was rather disappointed in f-legion. To me he doesn't really fit into the AK world.
Judging by the quality he seems like he was a _____* you to the fans that were hating on how 3A operated. I mean he has no box for one, a crappy zipper on the jacket AND the face mask which ripped the first time I messed with it. Plus the eye holes were janky.
Everything seemed rushed, corners were obviously cut. Of all things his name is "f"-legion. What's the f stand for? We were never told this.
Don't get me wrong he's a cool piece he's just not for me and I wish he was done better. ThreeA is an awesome company that I will always fully support but this guy is one bad apple. I thought about keeping him for a kit bash figure but every time I looked at him in my collection he looked out of place. I'm glad I sold him.
But that's just me :)
I agree with everything you said. This is the first ThreeA figure I have been disappointed with. I do actually really like the head sculpt but everything else leaves a lot to be desired.

Makes for a good start for some customizing but some of that customizing… like cleaning the jacket of it's sloppy "weathering" was more a pain than fun.

…oh and as far as fitting in, he fits in with the WWR stuff. They all have similarly proportioned heads with the TinTin (comic not movie) eyes.
I use large sheets of colored paper. You can order rolls of them on Amazon pretty cheap that will last you for ages. I need to order some more colors and another roll of white as my roll of white ran out not too long ago.

For those interested. This is what's left of the design on the back after three baths in paint thinner, two in acetone, several washings, and finally a bath in some boiling black dye. The dye actually didn't do much to it. This is more or less what it looked like before the dye.

F-LEGION by dangercorpse, on Flickr
I want a ballcap or maybe a watchcap. I kinda want him to look similar to Moses in Attack the Block.
Ironically that was the first thing my friend said when he saw my f-legion. "he looks like he's from attack the block". Robot hooligan