I loved it.

Probably my favorite Spidey movie (though I still think Doc Ock was the best on-screen villain).
I agree with the criticism that it was too busy, too much plot. Some important developments were rushed at the end as a result. Electro was formidable, but his pre-accident persona was too on-the-nose nerdy and too similar to Jim Carrey's Edward Nygma, IMO.
Other than that, I enjoyed the hell out of it (and even the "too-busy" critique didn't actually bother me). Loved all the action, fun and easy to follow, creatively staged. Swinging has never looked more exciting. The combination of Garfield's performance, his stunt men, the CGI animation and the script added up to the definitive on-screen Spider-Man (for me). He was funny, sometimes unfunnily punny, sometimes obnoxious, and always fun to watch. And kept his mask on A LOT. Bravo.
Garfield and Stone still have great chemistry and the relationship thread did exactly what it was supposed to. I felt the "responsibility" theme much more in this movie.
I bought Harry and Peter from the first scene. No reason Harry should have been in the first one considering the backstory. I thought it worked, and supported the abandonment theme. I've read a lot of criticism on Dane Dehaan that I don't get, at all. But, to each their own. My only criticism is the rushed conclusion to his storyline and the Goblin design, though it wasn't any worse than what we've had in previous incarnations.
I've always wanted to see more random villainy when it comes to heroes with a robust rogues gallery, so I loved the Rhino bits.
I didn't have a problem with tone, either. Some of the characters took themselves a lot more seriously than others and their dialogue reflected that. It was mostly light-hearted with a few serious parts that worked given the character foundations.
7.5/10 for me. Really fun and I look forward to seeing it again.
Oh yeah, just remembered...the colliding planes and Aunt May in the hospital....some stuff really did have no place outside the cutting room floor. But still, didn't impact my overall experience. Definitely negatives, but more eye-rollers than deal-breakers.
Anyhoo, just my 2 cents.