It's not a formal review, it's a podcast. Have you people ever heard of a podcast?
It's okay. He doesn't know; leave it be.
It's not a formal review, it's a podcast. Have you people ever heard of a podcast?
It's not a formal review, it's a podcast. Have you people ever heard of a podcast?
They mess around for lols like everyone else, it's a podcast, but they make massive good points about everything else, the point they were making wasn't about the assassin himself, it was about shoehorning side plots willy nilly and ultimately leads people to not care about none of them.
And they're right, I liked the movie, it's light and fun enough for me to give it a 7 in my 1st watch, but I didn't really care about anything, only Gwen's death perhaps, but if I were to see it again, it would probably be a lower score.
what a freaking mess of a review. wtf.... who doesn't know Raimi did the first trilogy
I just cannot listen to this, everyone talking over each other is really annoying
**** escapes everyone when they're not constantly googling stuff, especially when they're talking that fastI bet you google names before posting just to make sure you don't look silly, I know I do
besides the other 3 corrected him ipso facto, and they proved to have their stuff in order about Raimi afterwards.
Anyway, I'm fanboyingdo your thing, but if you decide to watch it, at the end they make really good points about Wolverine, TDKR and MoS, I don't agree with everything, but they're good points nonetheless.
I don't know. After seeing Spider-Man 3 recently after not having seen it in years, I don't think it's the monstrosity I once made it out to be. Atleast it was cohesive and had a plot instead of throwing everything at the wall to promote future movies. To think that back in 2007 I thought the inclusion of all those villains was unnecessary, then the ASM2 comes around and actually makes those guys look like a godsend! Hell, look at Brock vs. ASM2 Harry Osborn. I thought Brock was horribly underdeveloped in Spider-Man 3, but Harry ended up being much, much worse. I thought Venom popping in at the last 15 minutes of the movie was bad? Well that was better than Kid-Goblin's 2 minutes.
I think the main reason I disliked 3 so much is because it was such a disappointment after the brilliance of Spider-Man 2. I still hate the retcon BS with Sandman and Uncle Ben, not to mention the symbiote and Harry's convenient amnesia, but whatever. If anything though, I don't see how anyone could say that Spider-Man 3 is anywhere near as "bad" as ASM or ASM2. Unless they're zeroing in on Peter's Saturday Night fever montage or the odd humor throughout. In retrospect though, I actually kind of dig that sequence. In fact, it might be one of my favorite parts in the film (J. Jonah Jameson's reaction is priceless and I forgot that Betty Brant wanted Peter's D because of his attitude). I find it odd that people attack that scene when personally, I find the "Twist" scene with Mary Jane and Harry to be a helluva lot worse. THAT is cringe worthy.
Emo Peter was genuine lolz whereas a scene like the one above is just cringe worthy.
I like that scene also... It's Classic RaimiI just don't think the Raimi films are perfect in anyway and all the problems I had with the first 2 were just more apparent in the3rd.
- Over the top villains with paper thin motives (I just wanna kill the hero!) (SM1, Goblin and SM3 Goblin and Venom)
- Max = Nygma Agreed.
- erratic shifts in tone (played straight one minute, than zany the next) Yeah.. I am not going to give you this one.. Spider man tells jokes... always has.. often in the face of death... He is a wise ass... And it's a Huge reason we love him and he did it much better in this film then any of the Raimi films.
- inappropriate camp (because he wears a Fire Helmet?? I will agree on the over the top Rhino, mad scientest, and MAx in the Begining but that's about it)
-cliched Mad Doctor (That was Batman and Robin 100%)
- bombastic quality where style seems more important than substance (Well there was enough substance to make me care about the Gwen... and it got the reaction it wanted.. Had it been B&R or BF we would have not cared at all)
- heavily edited film that doesn't match the screenplay due to studio influence (missing scenes galore) (Well I was happy with the end product personally so I can't say for sure... Add to that the fact that many films have missing scens galore and show things in the trailer that never appear in the film)
I don't think Batman and Robin is very fair, but I definitely think Batman Forever is an apt comparison. Let's look at that film for a second. One minute, they're playing the story straight, trying to delve into the psyche of Batman and his past, then the next minute, we have the Riddler chewing up scenery with lines like "joygasm" and grabbing his crotch. Thing is, the charisma of the villains are the saving grace to the Schumacher movies in my opinion, which is the exact opposite with the new Spider-Man movies which have boring villains. In the ASM2, Spider-Man offers the witty comic relief. As spider man should
They both seem to have this gaudy blockbuster quality without real thought to the actual story. To their credit though, they do seem like the most comic booky. Out of all 7 Batman films, Batman Forever seems the most like a comic book come to life, much like ASM2 out of it's respective franchise. I think that's the appeal of it. That may be true but BF IMO did not do it very well.
Actually podcasts are more often than not, exactly like that.
Doesn't bother me to hear everyone talking though, I have no problem following the conversation, I like their passion.
I would love to hang out with those guys.
Big spoilers below.
After thinking over ASM2 for a couple days now I figured I'd take a moment to articulate some thoughts.
I. Love it. A lot.
This is a movie about mortality and making the most/best of whatever time you have and also what you do when you lose something you desperately want. How can some of you say it didn't have a theme? They played Gwen's speech twice. Norman's terminal illness, Harry's terminal illness, Gwen's impending doom, Electro's loss of the one "friend" he thought he had, Peter's loss of Gwen, and the city's loss of Spider-Man.
One on side we saw the bad guys using their own mortality as an excuse to commit evil actions and Gwen, in the prime of her life, sacrificing her health for the sake of good. Of course she didn't willingly fall to her death but she very deliberately put herself in harm's way to help the city knowing full well the risks. Norman, Harry, and Gwen are kind of the "mortality" trinity and Peter, Electro, and the little kid are kind of the "what do you do when you lose your buddy" trinity.
And we got to see extremes in each group.
Let me pause for a second to acknowledge, yeah, the movie had some editing and pacing issues. They are there. No question. But when I watched that film they weren't deal breakers they were just diversions in a truly amazing cinematic experience. Because throughout the whole movie there were the most incredible Spider-Man sequences, believable and charming relationship chemistry (I can understand if some people thought it was eye-rolling but I got a kick out of their "ground rules" discussion and Emma Stone's effortless portrayal of Gwen. "Well I'm sorry I didn't take you to the 'Bahamas' of hiding places.")
And I just thought Electro was entertaining in a fun throwback kind of way. So for every tangent about Peter's dad or some rushed quip about "hope" or something there was a handful of jaw dropping web slinging or funny/charming moments in all acts of the film. Other people see a movie that was all over the place but I look at it as having a solid thread with some unnecessary tangents. To each his own and all.
But what really gets me is Peter picking himself up by his bootstraps at the end. THAT'S that clincher. Electro lost his perceived friendship with Spider-Man and went ballistic. The kid lost the hero that saved him from bullies but decided that it would just have to be HIS time to stand up to the ultimate bully in the middle of the street. Peter lost Gwen obviously, and, like the boy, decided to take her message to heart and live it. I could get choked up just thinking about him showing up at the Rhino standoff and taking a moment to crack a few jokes. Yeah, its five months later but just that he didn't just show up, but that he did so *enthusiastically* rather than with his head down may just instantly make him my #2 favorite cinematic superhero.
He isn't a hero because he apprehends bad guys anymore. He's a hero because when everything is lost he goes out and does what needs to be done because it's right and he cares about other people. He inspires others to stand up to evil but still has their back when they are faced with overwhelming opposition. What a refreshing and uplifting experience. Kudos to the filmmaking team for a job well done.
I think Rhino was definitely just a throw in character for the build up of the Sinister 6.
But Rhino was never actually in the Sinister 6 was he? And what was Oscorp's intention with him? Cut him loose, give him armor (that requires no training whatsoever to move, fire, even transform) and just see how much random carnage he could inflict on the city? If the National Guard doesn't blast him to kingdom come then sign him up for your new villain team?