I think the Star Trek reboot would be the best thing to compare it too, since it actually used time travel and not a dream to “reboot” a franchise while leaving the originals canon.
And since the DOFP is one of, if not the greatest X-Men stories of all time, it makes the big screen adaptation seem less like a business strategy and a bit more natural since Fox’s source material was actually an X-Men story written more than 25 years ago to pull from.
I don't know some of those you've referenced, so maybe I'm showing my age a bit, but DofP would definitely be one of my top X-Men storylines.
I really wouldn't say top though. And to say this movie even compares to that is a stretch. Most of the characters are different and a good chunk of the situations in the story as well. It's losely based at best. Best of the X-Men movies? Debatable. Better than most? Again, debatable. Top comic story? Nope.![]()
Well, they did invert the story and add/change characters, but if it been named X-4, I'd definitely be sitting there thinking it was a total rip from DofP story regardless, I think it was totally recognizable even with the changes.
DOFP is very weak in the action department.
Wolverine hotel fight was the best action part.
DoFP isn't even close to being the greatest X-Men story. Not even the top 5. Phoenix Saga, 99% of the Claremont/Lee stuff, Legacy Virus, Fatal Attractions, Onslaught, etc. waaaaaaaaaay better stories than DoFP. Sure you've read DoFP?![]()
LOL. The board certainly isn't the same without Nam.Kara was unexpected collateral damage.I didn't expect that post to tie his panties into the Gordian Knot.
Wait, this isn't the X-Men thread?
I am not a '90s X-Men fan by and large. One of my top comic runs ever is the Claremont/Byrne X-Men run, and this is considered by many to be the crowning achievement. As memorable as Dark Phoenix, but more succinct. After that, I would rank some of the Lee/Kirby X-Men stories (including the first Sentinels storyline) and the Roy Thomas/Neal Adams stuff, then several of the great Annuals from the '80s with Art Adams and Alan Davis's involvement, and some of the pre-new series Claremont/Jim Lee. I personally enjoyed the Claremont/Alan Davis Excalibur a hell of a lot, but it's not technically X-Men.DoFP isn't even close to being the greatest X-Men story. Not even the top 5. Phoenix Saga, 99% of the Claremont/Lee stuff, Legacy Virus, Fatal Attractions, Onslaught, etc. waaaaaaaaaay better stories than DoFP. Sure you've read DoFP?![]()
How is that not tugging FOX's jock? Dude, Singer ripped off the prime time soap opera Dallas to undo continuity and you all bought it.
Wait, this isn't the X-Men thread?
I am not a '90s X-Men fan by and large. One of my top comic runs ever is the Claremont/Byrne X-Men run, and this is considered by many to be the crowning achievement. As memorable as Dark Phoenix, but more succinct. After that, I would rank some of the Lee/Kirby X-Men stories (including the first Sentinels storyline) and the Roy Thomas/Neal Adams stuff, then several of the great Annuals from the '80s with Art Adams and Alan Davis's involvement, and some of the pre-new series Claremont/Jim Lee. I personally enjoyed the Claremont/Alan Davis Excalibur a hell of a lot, but it's not technically X-Men.
DOFP is very weak in the action department.
Wolverine hotel fight was the best action part.