But it didn't. Either your logic is flawed as hell or your idea of the character is far from the general concept.ASM 2 was the best of all the Spidey films because it was the one that got Spider-man the character right.
I don't think Spiderman deserves better than Garfield.
He was yards, miles, continents better than Maguire.
Hopefully the next cinematic iteration of the character is better than what was given to audiences in the past 7 years.
Spider-Man deserves better.
Please let spidey join MCU.
But it didn't. Either your logic is flawed as hell or your idea of the character is far from the general concept.
Only if you're focusing both on Parker and Spidey. I feel that Garfield's "Spider-Man" in part 2 really was the best we had seen of that character in any non-comic medium yet. Felt like the Spidey I always read about, going back to his earliest appearances in the '60s. But I did like Maguire better as Peter Parker, and agree with you that Parker and Spidey both having essentially the same personality was a problem, and made the movie less interesting. But then, some have claimed that's how he is in Ultimates Spider-Man (which I never read), so maybe there is a precedent in the comic. But it's a stupid precedent, if so.But it didn't. Either your logic is flawed as hell or your idea of the character is far from the general concept.![]()
In fairness though, we've seen a crap load of comic book movies since the Raimi films came out. At the time, there wasn't much to base expectations on, so those movies may have seemed better than they would if compared to movies like Winter Soldier and Dark Knight. I do agree with you that the Raimi films were, on balance, better than the newer ones, but I also think it's a bit tricky to compare the critical consensus of the two considering the context in which they were released.If indeed the ASM series is over I think that vindicates the POV that the Raimi films were better. I know not all will agree with that but that's how I feel about it and how I see the majority feeling about it going forward. How many people thought that the Raimi films were good enough to make the ASM reboot completely unnecessary? Seemed like a lot. I did not see a huge amount of criticism for the first two Raimi films at the time, not like I have seen for the Webb movies. Granted I'm going on my own personal impression rather than exact figures that I have seen.
Only if you're focusing both on Parker and Spidey. I feel that Garfield's "Spider-Man" in part 2 really was the best we had seen of that character in any non-comic medium yet. Felt like the Spidey I always read about, going back to his earliest appearances in the '60s. But I did like Maguire better as Peter Parker, and agree with you that Parker and Spidey both having essentially the same personality was a problem, and made the movie less interesting. But then, some have claimed that's how he is in Ultimates Spider-Man (which I never read), so maybe there is a precedent in the comic. But it's a stupid precedent, if so.
In fairness though, we've seen a crap load of comic book movies since the Raimi films came out. At the time, there wasn't much to base expectations on, so those movies may have seemed better than they would if compared to movies like Winter Soldier and Dark Knight. I do agree with you that the Raimi films were, on balance, better than the newer ones, but I also think it's a bit tricky to compare the critical consensus of the two considering the context in which they were released.
I agree. But I still think it would have had more criticism had it come out now, and that the Amazing Spider-Man movies would have had less so if they came out a decade ago.
I agree. But I still think it would have had more criticism had it come out now, and that the Amazing Spider-Man movies would have had less so if they came out a decade ago.
Peter has cried like a ***** in every single movie, Raimi's and Webb's.
Okay, before someone corrects me, maybe not Spider-Man 2. I can't remember.
I found Garfield to be a much better Spider-Man than Tobey.
Neither was good as Peter. Tobey spent 3 films crying. And Garfield was just Spider-Man without the mask. These movies just need time to be developed and if Sony and Hollywood would stop allowing Orci and Kurtzman to write scripts that might improve the quality tenfold.
You and me both brother.
I love ASM for a lot of reasons. AnoAnother thing is that Garfield loves Spidey. He had
A good idea of what he was doing. Maguire was more last minute cast and did an acting job. Garfield tried to bring Spidey to life. I alalso love Gwen over MJ so that's another huge plus.
If indeed the ASM series is over I think that vindicates the POV that the Raimi films were better. I know not all will agree with that but that's how I feel about it and how I see the majority feeling about it going forward. How many people thought that the Raimi films were good enough to make the ASM reboot completely unnecessary? Seemed like a lot. I did not see a huge amount of criticism for the first two Raimi films at the time, not like I have seen for the Webb movies. Granted I'm going on my own personal impression rather than exact figures that I have seen.
But anyway, yeah Raimi's third film was a bit bloated and had some moments that forever tarnished Maguire's Peter Parker, but overall...better movies. I'd say ''I'm sorry'' but why should I be.
But it didn't. Either your logic is flawed as hell or your idea of the character is far from the general concept.
Also, there was no diference between Parker and Spidey in these. That's one thing many fans complained about with Raimi films yet when both sides of the character became one jerky center of the universe no one has anything against it. Hypocrisy overload.
I agree. But I still think it would have had more criticism had it come out now, and that the Amazing Spider-Man movies would have had less so if they came out a decade ago.