Super Freak
That retarded point you were trying to make that doesn't work here? No it went right over your head though.
You misused your own example so poorly you probably never fully understood it to begin with.
What's happening in that **** quality clip is the two people who actually made one of the best movies ever are "raping" childhood memories of that amazing experiance by being the same ones that are hands on destroying the current version of the same character everyone waited 20 years for.
It's not remotely applicable here(short of crying rape like you are) because this is a totally differant set of film makers taking on age old source material. (not a single iconic role born by a specific actor)
Not really, this is essentialy what you're doing

If you're having trouble getting what i'm saying, I'll try again. I could have just as eaisly used the youtube clip of the scene that the indy scene was making a pardoy of. But i was worried of it being questionable, and It was my intent to try an lighten my post with a bit of levity.
My point is sony is trying to whore out spidey, and in so doing rising potential oversaturation of the market with the product. They're banking HEAVILY on this film being both a Critical sucsess as well as a finantial one.
Beyond that, I'm also saying that if marvel got him back Today, and decided to shoe-horn him into Avengers 3, that Marvel would be doing the same thing IN MY OPINION.
You commented that we wouldn't be seeing him on-screen at marvel before 2020 at the earliest, I'm AGREEING with you, AND saying it would be a good thing.
I get that you like this film, I didn't care for it. There is nothing wrong with that. Taste is arbitrairy. You need not be white-knighting it with the voracity you are chosing to use. I'm not attacking you for liking what is unquestionably a BAD film ( and I'm sorry, but it is) And countless others have said why, and given ways that sony might fix it.
"Raping my childhood" is a term overused by people with heavy nostolgia glasses that refuse to accept that things change with the passage of time. Never said i feel that, and for the record, I don't. Sony's hitting some of the right notes with this film, and parts of it work GREAT. LOVE the costume, LOVE the action, Spidey moves like he should, visualy it's stunning. The performance given by Garfield is great. Having his Real life girlfriend play his on-screen girlfriend is BRILLIANT casting, becuase it creates tremendous chemisrty on screen. The problem is that it's all flash, no substance for me. the phrase " two hour trailer" has been pandered about a bit. I tend to agree. That, and the script being writen by a conspiricy nut is making things a little heavy-handed for my personal tastes, but I digress.
Do I want to see this film fail? Not particularly, no.
Would I like to see spidey films made in-house by marvel studios? Yes, Eventualy.
I'd also like to win the lottery, not have to pay my student loans, and live in an 18 bedroom house.
Dosn't mean any of its gonna happen.
I'd just like to see an awesome spidey movey that tells an awesome story. Don't care who makes it.
We haven't had that since Spiderman 2.