The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I don't like any of the predators but the first one. Even then It's not that fun for me to watch. :dunno The Alien movies are a bit better. Mostly cause S. Weaver is a bad ass.

This movie looks better then both already. Even though you can't really compare the genres.
Better than the Alien and Predator franchise?

...I'ma just slowly walk away...
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Better than the Alien and Predator franchise?

...I'ma just slowly walk away...

:rotfl It's probably just different generations man. I was born in '92 so that may be why. Different generation of movies. I still enjoy watching classic sci-fi's though. Like the OT Star Wars, and Terminator. I actually saw T2 before I saw the first when I was a kid. I only saw T1 a couple years ago before Salvation came out.:slap
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Erm, I was born in 95, so...

Idunno, really just wish they would've made a 4th Spiderman instead of rebooting it...

I honestly loved all 3, although the third did have that TF2/Ironman 2 feel to it..
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Erm, I was born in 95, so...

Idunno, really just wish they would've made a 4th Spiderman instead of rebooting it...

I honestly loved all 3, although the third did have that TF2/Ironman 2 feel to it..

:rotfl Thought you were older then that. Taste in movies I guess. I think this will be a good breath of fresh air from Raimi's movies. I loved spidey 1 and 2 but the third was kinda over-cumbered by too many characters/story lines.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I can't believe what I'm reading in here. Kids favoring a brief TEASER trailer for yet another Spider-Man flick to Alien.

Ridley Scott's Alien!

Age is no excuse for such lunacy.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I can't believe what I'm reading in here. Kids favoring a brief TEASER trailer for yet another Spider-Man flick to Alien.

Ridley Scott's Alien!

Age is no excuse for such lunacy.

Yea alien was a good movie and all that jazz, but when it comes to spiderman who was my childhood hero, spawned awesome tv shows and TWo great movies ,alien just doesnt compete with it imo. Alien hasnt had a good movie since alien 3. i like the franchise alot but spidey will always be better imo. Besides i grew up in the 90's.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Yea alien was a good movie and all that jazz, but when it comes to spiderman who was my childhood hero, spawned awesome tv shows and TWo great movies ,alien just doesnt compete with it imo. Alien hasnt had a good movie since alien 3. i like the franchise alot but spidey will always be better imo. Besides i grew up in the 90's.

yup. :goodpost:
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

The more that is shown of this movie, the more it looks to me like they are trying to leach off of the popularity of the Twilight movies. I fear for the coolness of this movie.

I am holding my own final opinion until I sit down in the theater and actually watch the movie. But I wish I would see something that says Spider-Man to me. So far everything has said "Edward-Cullen-puts-on-a-modified-Spider-Man-costume-for-Mardi-Gras" least to me.

Edit - When I do watch this movie...I will be going to a viewing where the least people are likely to be and I will be going in wearing a hoodie with the hood up and a pair of sunglasses just in case. If the movie rocks, I'll take them off before I come out.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Why is everyone comparing this to twilight? It's ____ing spider-man. It's not like Eddie Brock and Peter Parker are fighting each other over Gwen. While she's trying to decide which one she wants to eventually ____.

I'm gonna wear my spider-man T. Cause it's Spider-Man.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Its his damn hair, thats why everybody is so uptight. Peter has edwards hair and everybody is going crazy, but thats just the style that most people wear especially in eurupe. I dont see twilight in this at all. Peter was always depressed before he got his powers. Not like mary janes the main character and can't choose between venom and spiderman like zach said.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Yea alien was a good movie and all that jazz, but when it comes to spiderman who was my childhood hero, spawned awesome tv shows and TWo great movies ,alien just doesnt compete with it imo. Alien hasnt had a good movie since alien 3. i like the franchise alot but spidey will always be better imo. Besides i grew up in the 90's.

Sheesh, kids these days :slap
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Its his damn hair, thats why everybody is so uptight. Peter has edwards hair and everybody is going crazy, but thats just the style that most people wear especially in eurupe. I dont see twilight in this at all. Peter was always depressed before he got his powers. Not like mary janes the main character and can't choose between venom and spiderman like zach said.

Is that it? His ____ing hair people? Really. That's like saying you get a Lord of the Rings vibe from The Dark Knight cause Aragorn and Joker have messy hair.:lol