Some people just can't look past the origin and reboot, and they're missing out
This was the best superhero movie for me this year, poll is very dissapointing
its good not better then avengers or tdkr.
Avengers or TDKR is good but not better than Superman: The Movie or Watchmen
Cool! Come back after your wife let's you...I mean after you see it! Then your trolling will actually work a little better.
What kinda of an arrogant bastid comes to a thread day after day and talks shyyt about a movie he hasn't seen? And by the sounds of it doesn't even want to like! (And it's not even like the shyyt talking is immense, it's that you like talkin smack to people that DO like it, and you haven't even seen it)
At least Celtic has seen the effin thing.
You know tdkr and this are tied I like both movies a lot but I can't choose. I liked avengers a lot as well. Tdkr was good but it was not as good as the second movie. Not by a long shot.
You know tdkr and this are tied I like both movies a lot but I can't choose. I liked avengers a lot as well. Tdkr was good but it was not as good as the second movie. Not by a long shot.
After seeing TDKR, I appreciate all three movies (The Avengers, AMZ Spiderman, TDKR) a hell of alot. I enjoyed all three, and will see TDKR again since I saw the other two twice also. However, I feel the need to rate them from "least to most" isn't needed, especially for someone like me who enjoyed all 3.
I don't like the need people have fir them to have them compete.
However, part of the reason i prefer ASM to those (same last year with X-Men) is it had to work hard to get me and others to love it based solely on the film itself, the other two have people claiming they are the best movies in history BEFORE they even released. Where's the fun in seeing a movie you're being told you have to love.