The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

See that's what i thought but then i remembered that a non-living thing like a car and chain wrapped around it still couldn't lift it in Thor

I also remembered it's not real and that i really shouldnt worry about it too much

Lift it? Or pull it out of bedrock it had been fused with? Get a tree root big enough and it'll rip the axle right off a truck too.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I cannot believe that I finally do not have to go to sleep again, before I see Avengers. Unless I fall asleep during the wait. But I doubt it. I will probably freak out a bit as the day goes on, and then come back here when I get home and post my feelings.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Lift it? Or pull it out of bedrock it had been fused with? Get a tree root big enough and it'll rip the axle right off a truck too.

Exactly. I don't think Mjolnir is supposed to be that heavy, just enchanted so that none but the worthy one (Thor) can weld it. I don't think the Helicarrier or even a measly pick-up truck would have any problem moving it. It can't be removed from the rock in the Thor movie by anything or anyone (including Thor himself) because of the magic spell Odin put on it to basically "stay put until there is someone worthy", not because it is particularly heavy.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I cannot believe that I finally do not have to go to sleep again, before I see Avengers. Unless I fall asleep during the wait. But I doubt it. I will probably freak out a bit as the day goes on, and then come back here when I get home and post my feelings.

:rock :rock :rock

Saturday for me. But it's worth the wait to watch it in the restaurant theater.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I know this was linked earlier but it seems to have been "skipped"

Hiddleston said that when they were shooting the fight scene, "Joss [Whedon, the director] came over and said, 'Guys, I'm just not really buying it. You need to sell it more. You either need to hit each other harder or you need to react bigger.'" As they readied for the next take, Hiddleston took a moment to confer with Hemsworth. "I said to Chris, 'Dude, just hit me. Just hit me because I'm protected here and it's fine.' He's like, 'Are you sure?' I was like, 'Yeah, it will look great. Just go for it.'"
Cameras then started to roll, and Hiddleston said, "[Chris] really went for it and he's just pummeling me in the chest and elbowing me in the face and Joss came back after that take and went, 'We got it. It's great.'"
I asked Hemsworth about his reaction to actually hitting his costar. Hemsworth chuckled and recalled there was a moment when Hiddleston doubled over a bit when a body blow connected. He told me, "I turned to the crew and I said, 'He told me to do that! You all heard that.'"

That is hilarious.

Link to the rest of the article (again):

If Thor stops holding the hammer for sixty seconds, he turns back into Dr. Donald Blake.

Not in the filmverse since that was never established that he had an alter ego of any kind. In the filmverse he is just Thor and Donald Blake was an ex-boyfriend of Jane's that left stuff around.

When he puts Mjolnir down, just so he can walk about and talk and what not, shouldn't the Hellicarrier fall out of the sky? I'm only being a geeky with this question, i just like to over analyse this stuff sometimes.

No, Mjolnir cannot be carried or lifted by anyone but Thor but since he is just placing it down, it wouldn't be able to be lifted and wouldn't cause the Helicarrier to fall either. In the films when it comes crashing down from a distance it does damage due to it's mythical weight and density but it wasn't thrown, Thor simply placed it down (I'm assuming, haven't seen the film yet) so it wouldn't have any impact, now no one except Thor should be able to lift it back up but that is another thing all together.

Dammit. There are comics with Spiderman in the Avengers team though right? He seems like a natural fit, realworld legal issues notwithstanding. Although I obviously haven't seen the new film right now I feel like Maguire's Spiderman would be more compatible...unlimited organic webshooters and such.

Maguire's Spider-Man wouldn't fit with these Avengers in all reality, they removed a lot of the Peter Parker elements of his intelligences and his quick thinking that The Avengers utilized in the first place. Maquire's Parker was more "gee golly" than anything else. No word yet on how Garfield's would hold up.

Please God. Maybe then Marvel can just buy Sony/columbia and have all it s characters where they belong. I know this is unlikely to happen.

Not as unlikely as you may think. Sony Pictures is bleeding money with very few projects actually turning a profit. That portion might actually close down by the end of the year, if they stop operating the rights would revert back to Marvel but most likely you'd see them try to sell it back first and make some cash, I'm sure nothing has been discussed because they are waiting on box office receipts of this new one first.

Spider-Man back to Marvel though might be a bad idea in the long run, it'd be forced into the Marvel Studios line up for sure especially since contracts would be outstanding and have to be purchased by Marvel Studios and then it'd be shoehorned into the line up, delaying other projects and he'd be shoehorned into The Avengers I'm sure which could lead to an unbalancing of the rosters since this first one came together holistically while it'd be a quick grab for putting their newest toy into the mix.

Not to mention if Kevin Feige wanted to he could reboot the whole thing or even have Spider-Man continue in a vacuum ala Nolan's Batman until Garfield's contract is up without much trouble and so you wouldn't get him in there anyway.

Realistically Spider-Man's adventures outside of the modern where they just shoved him into The Avengers anyway (multiple teams mind you) historically he had more to do with the Fantastic Four and so without them you'd still be missing a key element in his historical tellings.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Getting ready to head to the theatre for the Marvel Movie Marathon. All the films leading up to The Avengers at midnight and all I've got to say is bring it on! Just hope the ____ I don't pass out while The Avengers is playing sometime around 1:00am this morning.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Just saw the Avengers for the 2nd time :D
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Ah. This time last week I was grinning from ear to ear watching this masterpiece. You yanks are very lucky to be anticipating seeing this.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I will be seeing it in less than 13 hours. First time I've had reserved seats, so that's kind of fun.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Went to my local theater and people are already in line!!! I think I'll wait for this, next week. Can't deal with crowds, especially teens.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Went to my local theater and people are already in line!!! I think I'll wait for this, next week. Can't deal with crowds, especially teens.

I am calling the Drafthouse now to see if there is a line or not. I do not want ____ty seating for my first viewing.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I wish you all the fun in the world at the premiere!
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Wish i saw this midnight but ill be seeing this tomorrow night. So exited.