The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock


i'm liking CAP way more here.
He looks muscular there and more massive wich is a good thing.
Neck seems also thicker.
Face doesn't look like evans there. I kinda like that face/look better here.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Imo, Evans was never thick enough to play cap, which is why they gave him such a loose outfit in the first movie. It made him look bigger than he was. Hopefully they do some editing to thicken him up a bit before the final release
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

i'm liking CAP way more here.
He looks muscular there and more massive wich is a good thing.

Yep, which is the point a couple of us were making when the first on-set pics of Cap were leaked. They apparently designed the suit to look good on a hand drawn rendering of Cap first, real man second.

Not the best approach for a live-action superhero movie. :nono
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yep, which is the point a couple of us were making when the first on-set pics of Cap were leaked. They apparently designed the suit to look good on a hand drawn rendering of Cap first, real man second.

Not the best approach for a live-action superhero movie. :nono

I agree with that and has many have said the loose outfit in First Avenger made him looked more massive.

The thight outfit atm from what we have seen makes him look way too thin IMO.

But i will reserve my judgemnt once the movie is out :panic:
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

They've CGI'd muscles on folks for a while now in various movies especially Superhero ones. I'm sure postproduction they'll thicken him a bit.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

If they do great. If not he's gonna look ____ing awesome based on the pics we've seen. I'm ready for this ____ to hit my HT Marvel shelf and the theater. :rock
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Do you know which ones off the top of your head? I'm only aware of 300.

300 obviously, Ghost Rider had it for Cage, I believe I've read that effective "shadowing" was done where they don't add the muscles but shadow up the costuming to give the appearance of a more fit toned body for Superman Returns and Spider-Man 3.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread


Tom Hiddleston Tells Lies About The Avenger

With photos from the set coming in every day, it's hard to read about next summer's The Avengers without running the risk of spoilers. That's why, when SuperHeroHype caught up with Loki himself, Tom Hiddleston at the D23 Expo, we elected to go the opposite route, giving the God of Lies the chance to tell us quite a few plot details that you can rest assured won't make it to the big screen on May 4, 2012.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Wow. That final fight looks like it'll be pretty intense. I love that he is wearing his helmet.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

May next year's a way's off....and by the time all of these spoiler-filled, plot revealing behind-the-scenes glimpses are said and done, folks are going to come out of that theater next year feeling like they've already seen the movie an all that's left is the inevitable carping and moaning....

Hope there's something new left to enjoy about this by next May...
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Some cast members will still travel to New York

Marvel's The Avengers is wrapping up filming in Cleveland , Ohio and The Plain Dealer has posted a few more details about what was filmed this weekend and what's to come. Here are excerpts from the article that cover things we haven't mentioned before:
The movie's reception in Cleveland 'made a favorable impression on the filmmakers. First there were the long lines of people who signed up to become extras in the film. Then, hundreds of people lined areas outside the sets to watch the shooting.
"It was great to see them come out every day," said Jeremy Latcham, co-producer of the movie for Marvel Studios. "They took tons of pictures and put them up on the Internet, which is just great.
"Cleveland has been amazing. We wanted a real street feeling to the scenes, and we got that," he said.
On Friday and Saturday night, Scarlett Johansson filmed scenes at an old warehouse on Ashland Road near Longfellow Avenue, off Cedar Road near the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks. The warehouse was the site of top secret filming and doubled as a Russian facility.
The Lakeside Courthouse building will be the stage of a scene to be shot Monday night.
Latcham said some members of the cast will travel to New York for two days to wrap up the filming.
"After that Joss takes it all back to L.A. and creates the movie," he said.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Lol I'm from Cleveland and if the cast/crew says they were impressed with this area then they are clearly lying lol! The only reason they liked it was because it was cheap hahahahaha
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